#21 Nightmare ✔

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Jane's POV

I fell face flat for the fourth time.

I groaned in frustration, "Why is this so hard?"

Jaden gave me a pointed look, "Did you really think self defense was easy?"

I shrugged, "Yeah, when you said that, I thought we'd be learning something else." I mumbled.

He furrowed his eyebrows, but there was an amused look on his face, "Like what?"

"Nevermind, let's do that thing again."

He nodded, "Alright, like I said, don't give me the opportunity to push you down."

"Easier said than done." I grumbled under my breath.

"Ready?" We both took our stance. Jaden took three quick steps, tricking with his directions and ended up behind me.

He slipped both hands under my arms and hooked them behind my head.


"C'mon, try getting out. Use every muscle you own. But don't let your opponent know you're fighting your way out. It's like a mind game. Announce your defeat, once you find an exit. They always get mad." He chuckled near my ear as I continued to struggle.

A slight bend in the arm, an idea clicked in my head.

I swayed my full weight to the right, and sled down from his hold, grabbing his ankle, I pulled it with force until he dropped down. I did a quick punch to his face that didn't touch him. Ending the game.

A satisfied grin covered my face, "How was that?" I asked, looking smug.

He shook his head, "Not bad... for a beginner." He muttered the last part, just to annoy me.

"I mean this is my first day." I reminded him, wouldn't take down my smirk.

"Oh yeah?" He grabbed my ankle and pulled me down.

I let out a silent gasp as I held myself with my elbows. I sent him a glare.

He chuckled, "Did you see that coming?"

I narrowed my eyes, "I should have."

He stood up, "How about you rest while I check few of my trainees?" He suggested.

It has already been hours

I nodded, "Okay." I stood up and dusted my slightly bruised elbows.

"Can I use these?" I asked before he could leave, pointing at the treadmill.

He nodded and left, I stood on the machine and started walking, the she-wolf next to me was running fast, sweats dripping, deep heavy breathing, straight stiff posture.

One day.. I thought.

I continued walking, speeding up a little, I noticed her glancing at me, seeming unimpressed.

I pressed the button and started running at a reasonable pace, the she-wolf scoffed a little too loud and ran faster.

Challenge accepted.

The numbers that indicates the speed kept going up as I press the button, my legs automatically moving fast, using my wolf speed, but I released the pressure on the button once I found my limit.

Focusing on my legs, I imagined I had a destination I wanted to arrive, I saw Hades far away with his arms open for me to run into, my heart was pulsing and throbbing, I stopped breathing but my legs never did.

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