#29 Directions ✔

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Jane's POV

I started running. The trees were leading me. I felt like mother nature all of a sudden. My legs were aching, I couldn't control my breathing, but I still continued, thinking about what I was going to do when I see my mate.

A tree branch appeared in front of me, my forehead slammed against it forcefully, causing me to fall back hard on my butt.

"Ow!" I squealed, rubbing my head and bottoms.

I glared at the tree, "What was that for?" My glare shifted to the end of the trunk, it was pointing towards the left.

I sighed, I need to focus on the directions if I want to reach for Hades.

I stood up, dusting off my ass, and returned to jogging.

One hour later~

Taking my fifth break, I leaned against the tree, wiping off the sweat, I tried to calm my breaths.

"Are we there yet?" I croaked, my throat dry from the hours of running.

A leaf fell on my forehead, I took it and wiped off my sweat, "One leaf isn't enough you know." I remarked.

A huge chunk of leafs covered my whole body, causing me to groan, "Seriously?" I mumbled. I stood up and dusted off myself.

My wolf suddenly jumps out of excitment; knowing my mate is near, I took few deep breaths then shifted quickly, my clothes shredding into pieces.

I took off running towards the right, I let my tongue out to feel free, lightness filled my heart.

A saw few wolves sniffing the ground, most of them straighten their postures when they saw me running towards them, they immediatly howled as a message to their alpha.

I saw a familiar black wolf in between all of the different colors of fur, and jumped on him; taking him completely off guard.

We rolled over a couple of times before we stopped with me on top of him, I started licking his face, under his ears, all over his neck.

He didn't do anything; letting me express my happiness in seeing him, the feeling of being near him was unexplainable.

Finally I stopped the licking and rubbed my nose against his neck, few whimpers left my lips as I sniffed him deeply.

I got off him and stood up, he shook his fur then came to sniff me from head to toe, I closed my eyes in delight and my heart tightened. A growl came deep from his chest, he rubbed his head against my neck and licked the side of my face, causing me to cringe and step back.

"What was that for?" I mindlinked him.

"Now you know how I felt." He replied back.

He gave me a wolfish grin, "Let's go home agápi."

I smiled widely, "Home. Agápi."

On our way to our pack, I hadn't left his side. I couldn't actually.

Once we entered the house, I shifted back and was immediately pulled into a heartwarming embrace, his skin on mine made me blush immensely, his fast heart beat drew me closer, I hugged him back tightly.

My thoughts drifted somewhere dark because of our nakedness, but I couldn't let my dirty mind break this needed moment.

"I missed you." He mumbled against my hair, pecking my neck.

I sighed dreamily, "I missed you too. So so much." Kissing his shoulder.

He finally stepped back and pressed his lips against mine in a soft kiss, I angled my head to deepen the kiss and tangled my fingers through his hair.

He gripped my waist and pulled me closer, rubbing himself on me. As much as I never wanted this moment to end, we had to talk.

When I pulled back, he laid his chin on my head and sighed, "We need to talk." He let out forcefully.

I nodded, "I know."

We walked to the living room, he sat down and pulled me to his lap, causing me to giggle, "Wow there."

He kissed my neck multiple times, I let him while I played with his hair; knowing just how much he needs this moment as much as I do.

I sighed, closing my eyes as the feeling sets in. I love him.

"Jane," He whispered deeply, "You have no idea how much I miss you."

I smiled softly, his words went directly to my heart, causing it to clinch then jump out of excitement, "Hades," I mumbled, "We can go on forever nonstop," I pulled back to look at him, "But we have to talk."

He sighed, "I know." Silver eyes stared at mine with worry, "Tell me exactly what happened."

I glanced down, trying to remember everything, "After you left on our first date," I started, glancing at him only to see a cringe, "I waited for you, but then a visitor came. An Alpha. He wanted to tell me about a prophecy- the white prophecy, he told me about my gift, and that he studied the words of some book with the Elders and knew I was the one. He said I have to be tested first to be sure but I didn't want to leave- just like you told me not to, but he didn't like that so he injected me with something that made me faint." I noticed I was holding my own hand tightly, so I immediately let go, "He- He took me to his pack where he kept me in an empty room, they didn't hurt me physically, he didn't let them touch me b-but he showed me things," my eyes started to tear up, "He told me stories, trying to mess up my head, but I didn't believe him, he wanted something from me but-"

"What is that?" He asked stiffly, glancing at the wall to his right.

"He wants me to bring back the dead."

He paused, his eyes slowly turned to glare at mine with shock, "He wants.. what?" He asked breathlessly.

I didn't repeat my words; knowing he heard me perfectly.

"Can you do that? Did you try-"

"No!" I snapped, "I don't know if I can do that, but I would never! That just ruins the meaning of life! It jeopardize the balance of life and death! How can you possibly think I would even try to do such thing?! Killing someone is already bad, bringing back the dead is worse!"

He placed both of his hands on my cheeks and kissed my forehead, "Alright calm down, Please calm down." He mumbled.

I sighed, and hugged him tightly, pulling my legs closer to my chest, sniffing back the tears. How can I erase the images from my mind?

"I dreamt." I breathed out. I can't remember the last time I dreamt.

"Really? What is it about?"

I sighed, "I don't know, but it was nice," I smiled, "The feeling was nice."


I know some of you might think "why didn't she tell him the alpha's name?" Or "why didn't the alpha search for the kidnapper when he found her?"

You'll understand later😉😆

Another question some of you might think, "why didn't they have heavy sex coz like they haven't seen each other in a week?!"

Lol that will be unanswered😂😂

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