[1] loner

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It was the first day of school for every high school student. Holidays were over in a blink of an eye and everyone with their bags, drag their way to their respective classrooms for the year. Some waved their parents goodbye from the entrance while some had their hood over their heads and made their way in as fast as they could.

Everyone crowded around their lockers and unpacked their heavy bags to prevent their shoulders from dislocating from the weight.

A girl, with hair that curled so perfectly that not even a curler could and eyes so hazel, walked into her classroom for the year. She was the new student. She hardly made any eye contact with anyone, her eyes were always looking at her toes. Her arms were always around her books that she carried by hand, hardly unfolded. Everyone was curious about who she is and her history.

She let her hood cover all the way down to her eyes and she laid back on the seat, making herself more comfortable. She hated every pair of eyes that were on her. She hated attention. She would rather be alone and reading her fictions instead of hanging out with her friends. She was different from the typical girls. She was more mellowed down and quiet about her personal life.

Those who have met with her eyes knew she wasn't anyone to mess with. She may be the "quiet kid", but she was deadly to try to mess with. She's like steam combined with metal, highly explosive.

Everyone could not keep their eyes off her at all times. It wasn't because she was attractive or anything. Rather, it was because they thought she was their predator. Her stare could kill anyone in three seconds. So cold that it burns you.

No one knew what she liked, what she disliked, what her personality was, what her favourite food was, her favourite colour, nothing. All that the class knew that she was a dangerous woman. Even more dangerous than a serial killer.

She took one last glance around her, before immersing herself into her world of fiction and avoiding everything that surrounded her. She let her eyes go from left to right, up to down for every page before flipping over to a new scene.


"Alright class, settle down. Just take any seat for today, I will settle your seating arrangement by tomorrow." Our teacher in charge announces and everyone rushes back to the seat they had chosen.

"Class, my name is Mr Howard. I will be your form teacher for the rest of the school year. Now since it is the first day of a brand new year, how about we do some icebreakers? Let's get to know each other better shall we?" He smiles and calls out the names of the people for the group he had assigned.

"For team 4, we have Kenneth, Bailey, Kaycee and...erm...See-an? Young sir, how do I pronounce your name?" He bends over to a boy, a little over half a head taller than Kaycee herself, asking for clarification on how to pronounce his name right.

"It's pronounced as Shawn Mr Howard." He politely corrects him before swiftly making his way next to Kaycee.

"Hey...you're Kaycee?" He looks at her and smiles, but did not seem to get the response he wanted.

"Mhm." She gave him nothing but a short reply. No expression and kept the answer short and sweet.

"Alrighty. It's a pleasure to meet you." He sighs at his failed attempt to introduce himself and rubs the back of his neck.

The class notices Sean's attempt to introduce himself and starts whispering amongst themselves. He was definitely a little pissed off about the gossips, but he kept his cool and prevented himself from making a whole scene on the first day. That surely wouldn't help his first impression to become any better than it is now.

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