[32] him

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A/n: helloo! i am finally back from my exams and this is an early update, since i have kept y'all hanging for some time.

(totally didnt write this because i got distracted while studying-) *shh*

Kaycee makes herself as comfortable as she could on the couch, but being extra cautious with every movement of hers under the glaring eyes of Sean's dad.

Her dad gently picks up a cup of steaming hot chinese tea from the tray and places it in front of her. He does the same for himself.

He takes a quick sip, since the tea was still pipping hot, before explaining himself.

"I just want to sit you down because I want to talk to you about my son." Sean's dad starts off.

Of course it was about Sean Charles Lew. What else could he be talking about when the both of them were spending almost every minute together. They were basically stuck like glue.

"Ahh yes uncle. What about Sean?" Kaycee politely asks and Sean's dad smiles.

"I must say, in the past, he has never been happy. I was never able to see him smile much or be like himself. I suppose he has mentioned about what happened to Aubrey to you before?"

"He has mentioned about what happened, yeah." Kaycee sighs, remembering the time where Sean told her about her unfortunate incident.

"You, young lady, some how brought my son back. You were like a ray of sunshine shining through his window panes after a long storm. You made him see the bright side of life again. And I can't thank you enough for that." He gently lays his hand on my shoulder and pats.

"I think you did your part too. I don't deserve full credit." Kaycee smiles, remaining humble.

"Oh no, I have been a terrible father after his mother left." Sean's dad's face turns into a frown.

No wonder he had never mentioned about his mother, Kaycee thought.

Not wanting to stick a nose in someone's else's business, she smiles reassuringly at him.

"But look. Sean is happy to be able to pursue something he loves and having you fully support his decision about it. I think Sean really appreciates that from the bottom of his heart, even though he may not say it out loud." Kaycee tells Sean's dad and Sean's dad's lips tug to the side of his face, forming a distinctive 'U' shape.

"Now I know why Sean likes you. You really have a way with words."

"Sean likes me?" Kaycee accidentally exclaims it out loud and turns red.

"Oh, even if he doesn't mention about it to me upfront, you could tell. The way he looks at you and the way he cares about you. Even the number of times he mentions you in our conversations and the way he talks about you, it is impossible that he doesn't have any sort of feelings in that heart of his." Sean's dad giggles, knowing that he had exposed his son's largest and hardest kept secret, but still did it anyways.

"He talks about me a lot?" Kaycee was getting a little flustered, not realising that he had been mentioning about her so much, because she does to, just that it's all written in her head space.

"Come my dear, let me show you something I found in his drawer while I was cleaning up his room." Sean's dad guides her up to Sean's bedroom, where there were piles of clothes laying everywhere.

"Goodness, it's like a tornado swept by or something in here." Kaycee sighs and he laughs.

"He only cleans it when he knows you're coming over." Sean's dad exposes him once more.

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