[13] oreo

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A/n: this is gonna be more of like a filler chapter and a special someone needs some attention now.

also guys, we've been up at #2 for #partner for 2 weeks now wth?🥺 thank you for continuing to vote and read!

"Shampooooooooo!" Kaycee shrieks as she spots her guy best friend waiting for her next to his car.

She narruto-sprints over to Sean and attacks him with a large hug. Sean was a little confused at her sudden touchy behaviour, but he wasn't mad about it.

"It's only been less than a day angel. Come on now, let's head home and get started on both our assignments and the choreography." Sean gives her one tight squeeze before the duo released themselves from each other's embrace.

They got into the car, where Sean's dad had been waiting with two sundaes, which sat on a cardboard holder.

"No way! Uncle got us sundaes? Thanks uncle!" Kaycee thanked Sean's dad and eagerly starts digging into paradise.

Both cups had a napkin wrapped nicely around it, and when Sean unravelled his, there was something written on it with a black pen.

"Dessert is the key to a girl's heart ;)"

Sean blushed fifty shades of red. His head was mentally cursing at his dad for having the audacity to write that.

His own dad, who was extremely mature for his age, was shipping the two of them, together? Sean sees Kaycee that way, but he just wants to keep it to it being an infatuation. His dad remark is just not going to serve him any justice.

"Sean, you alright?" Kaycee asks as she notices a extremely still figure sitting next to her. It was as though he had suddenly just turned into a statue made out of stone, like those childhood stories she heard.

"Y-yeah. Just thinking about the choreography." Sean lies, but his stumbles gave it away a little. Sean quickly pretends to sneeze, as though he was holding it in while saying that sentence.

Shit. That was a close call, Sean Charles Lew. Now get your head straight.

"Let me finish my sundae, it's melting from how hot this car is despite the blasting air conditioning." Kaycee rushes to pick up her spoon and starts hurriedly scooping large spoonfuls of ice cream and shoving it down her throat.

"Kaycee stop blowing on your ice cream, it's not hot." Sean chuckles, noticing that she blew on the ice cream every time before she took a bite.

"Sean, it's not like I'm the only one. You're subconsciously doing it too." Kaycee sticks out her tongue and Sean gives a disapproving face.

"But you started it first." Sean tries to cover up his joke.

"Sean, you literally blew on the ice cream on your first bite. And you started eating your sundae before me." Kaycee laughs and Sean gives in.

"Fine, fine." Sean surrenders before finishing up the last bits of his half-melted sundae. It was basically like drinking soup.


Fumbling of the camera and twisting of the lens to get the perfect zoom in of them dancing, Sean was starting to give up.

"The second part doesn't seem to flow well. It's like super unnatural." Sean attempts his stunt that he originally wanted in his choreography.

Kaycee stands up and starts pacing around the makeshift studio in circles. Sean watches the little girl immerse into her deepest of thoughts, trying to search for something in her brain.

Sean laid down on the ground, his stomach contacting the floor. He pulls out his phone and starts to distract himself with his Instagram feed. Maybe he could stop thinking about it, then after a while come back to it and have a whole refreshed mind.

His dad comes in to bring some light snacks for the both of them, but as soon as he opens the door, a black and white little poof ball rushes towards Sean.

"Oreo!" Sean smiles and rubs his belly after Oreo flips over, wanting some attention.

"Oh my god he's adorable. Way more adorable than the picture you showed us that day." Kaycee hops over and bends down, before allowing Oreo to gently rub his fur across her shin.

"Hey little cutie, I might kidnap you from Sean for a day and never return you to him." Kaycee jokes as she rubs his head with her thumb in a circular motion.

Oreo barks at her answer and scoots a little closer to Kaycee than Sean. Oreo then stares at her original owner before rubbing himself even more on Kaycee.

"Oh great, someone's got a new favourite now huh?" Sean sighs as he realises his dog just got instantly stolen from him in one second. It took many years for Oreo to love him, but it took only probably even less than a second for Oreo to love Kaycee.

This is just not fair. But seeing the two of them together and bonding well, it somehow made Sean feel all bubbly inside. So I guess he could admit that it wasn't that bad after all.

Sean looked at Kaycee as she radiantly smiles while playing with Oreo, sometimes even letting out little giggles. It was also the first time hearing Kaycee talk in a high-pitched voice, telling Oreo things like "good boy!" or "go fetch it!".

"I wish I could bring Kino here, but I think Oreo would be intimidated by him." Kaycee sighs.

"Kino?" Sean's ears perk up at the sound of a new name.

"Oh that's my family dog's name. I'll show you some pictures of him. He's so cute and giant. He grew up too fast." Kaycee smiles and opens her photos app on her phone.

As the application opened, the latest picture she took revealed to be a black and brown fur coat dog.

"There. This is Kino, in his finest glory. He was accompanying me while I was working out a little outside in the backyard. It was really cute so I quickly snapped a picture of him when the golden sun rays shined on his head." Kaycee couldn't stop smiling as she talking about Kino.

"He's so handsome. But yeah, now I see why you said that. He is really huge, probably a hundred times larger than Oreo here. Right Oreo?" Sean looks over at his dog and lifts up his right hand. Oreo notices it and slowly gets on his hind legs, before using his left paw to tap his hand, giving him a high-five.

That was the first time Oreo did it.

"Oreo! You did it!" Sean gently picks up Oreo and heads to the studio's cabinets to get a treat from the treat bag.

He always made sure to have a treat bag in his studio as well because Oreo loves to walk in to see what Sean was doing almost all the time.

Sean places Oreo down before tossing it in the air and letting Oreo jump up to catch it.

"Oreo, you little smartie cookie. Come here." Kaycee gestures to Oreo to come towards her and he did. He wags his little puffy tail and his little legs rush towards her.

They played with Oreo for a few more minutes before Sean's dad clears his throat. He had been standing at the door for a while now.

"So erm, anyone hungry?" He asks.

Both of them nod eagerly.

"Oreos anybody?"

Both of them stop what they were doing and widened their eyes.

Oreo barked at Sean's dad and chases him out of the room and around the house, with Sean's dad still holding the plate of Oreos.

No thanks.

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