[39] leaving

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Sean approaches the cafe and before they stepped in, he asked his dad to hold his hand. They were going to walk in, together.

As they enter, they notice a guy in a white shirt and a simple green jacket, drinking a cup of coffee, waiting for us. Sean takes a deep breath, so does his dad, and walks over to join him.

"Mr Lew?" Sean calls as he approaches the table.

Cheuk looks up and smiles, before gesturing for him to take a seat opposite of him.

"Hello Sean," Cheuk greets, " and hello Sean's dad. My name is Cheuk. A pleasure to meet you." He extends his hand out to him, which my dad gladly takes.

"Hello Cheuk, pleasure to meet you too. My name is Arthur." Sean's dad smiles from ear to ear as he accepts his hand and shakes it.

"While we were planning this meet up, I did find some old photos of Sean Lew and his biological father. And the father in the pictures seem to look like you, a lot." Arthur said.

"He was born in America, but me and my wife were born in Asian countries, making him an Asian blood too. I gave him up for adoption because I had way too many kids to take care of and it would have been bad for you to stay and live with us. And you're future is bright, like how I predicted it to be. A worldwide famous celebrity." Cheuk recalls.

"You have two other siblings, Serris and Sarah Lew. I understand you have a busy schedule, now with the new found fame and being placed in the spotlight, but maybe you could pay them a visit? Just text me and let me know." Cheuk adds on.

"That's crazy. And of course, I'll find a good time to come by and visit. I've always wanted siblings, but thought I was an only child. Turns out I'm not an only child huh?" Sean smiles and cheers in excitement.

"Also, are they allergic to animal fur? Or dogs? Maybe we could bring our dog Oreo there to visit them, since we are all family." Arthur suggests and Cheuk suddenly has a huge smile on his face.

"Oh those 2 sure do love dogs. They have been wanting one since christmas like 3 years ago but we all realised we are so busy 24/7, that hardly anyone would probably be able to take care of the dog. And I think they will be so excited to see the dog," Cheuk grins, "Oreo, you said?"

Sean nods in excitement, mainly because he could bring his best friend and partner in crime along to visit. Besides, Oreo loves being around humans and sometimes even making friends with some. This would definitely make him even happier, and especially the fact that those were his sisters.

"Oh and yes, I almost forgot to mention this. Your mom is called Miya Lew. She is my wife and was the one who gave birth to you. So she's your biological mom." Cheuk smiles and pats my head after Sean gives consent that he could.

"Ah yes! Mrs Lew! How is she doing? It's been a while since I've seen her." Arthur asks and Cheuk grins from ear to ear immediately, ears perked up from the sound of her name.

"Miya has been doing amazing. But of course, we both felt that without Sean, the family really felt incomplete. Sometimes she would regret giving him up for adoption, but knowing that you took him in, she started being okay with it. That's why it would nice for him to pop by one day and visit the family." Cheuk says.

"Well, of course! We will definitely pop by. I'll arrange a time with you and we can all hangout at your place. Here's my phone number as well, for easy contacting." Arthur passes a piece of tissue with his number written on it, and Cheuk immediately saves his number into his contact list.

"Here's mine as well, thank you for coming to this meet up, despite it being very sudden." Cheuk thanks and extends out his hand, which we both accept from him.

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