[29] memory

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Kaycee's palms were sweating. The weather may have been freezing outside, judging by the fact that the house still felt cold despite having all the heaters in the house turned on. They were all blasting hot air, but nothing could warm them up.

Their shivers could have been from the cold weather as it stormed heavily outside, or perhaps it was from the nerves they were feeling as World Of Dance was just around the corner.

Both of them have dance experience and have danced in dance classes. In front of cameras and stage performances in front of their school. But all these cannot compare to the stage of live television. One wrong move and the whole world witnesses it.  At least if you make a wrong move on stage in school, you will probably get mocked and remembered by it for a few years, and once you are out of the school you no longer need to face the humiliation.

But World Of Dance was a whole different thing. In terms of difficulty and the amount of fine tuning they need to do to every move of their choreography. One wrong move and there goes their reputation. The whole world would remember it for the rest of their lives. Now that wouldn't be pleasant.

The pressure was what made Sean stay up through the past few nights, trying to figure out a way to execute the whole dance choreography perfectly, while ignoring Kaycee's reminders, asking him to get adequate sleep.

Kaycee appeared at his front door just now, only to be greeted by a sight of a complete zombie-like version of the guy she is friends with. She was in complete shock. The last time she saw him, he was fine. A cheerful and carefree guy. But today, he had dark eye circles and eye bags that are clinging on for dear life under his eyes. His hair was in a complete mess, like an untrimmed bush. His shirt was all crumpled up, probably haven't been ironed in weeks now.

"Sean Lew! What the hell happened to you? Didn't I ask you to get enough sleep?" Kaycee was furious.

"Kaycee, I'm sorry. All those thoughts just keep intruding my mind and I can't stop them from coming. The moment they hit I knew I had to do something about them, or they would end up as nightmares in my sleep. And there was no way I was letting that happen." Sean tries to explain but Kaycee was still not buying it.

"But Sean. Sleep is essential. You're not even pronouncing words properly anymore. You're practically slurring. You really lack of sleep." Kaycee sighs.

"Kaycee, I'm really trying hard here. But I want to make sure this all goes smoothly under my watch. I want to make sure that whatever I can control goes well. That's the least I can do." Sean shrugs.

"Sean Charles Lew, how could you be so silly. Come on now, you need to take a nap right now. I'm not going to be working with a cranky Sean. That wouldn't be a good idea." Kaycee steps into his house, after taking her shoes off and pushes him up the stairs to his bedroom.

"And you're taking a nap now. I'll wake you up when it's time." Kaycee smiles before turning to leave the room.


Kaycee turns around and notices Sean had scooted over to the extreme right of the bed.


"Come here. I want to have a cuddle buddy." Sean opens up his arms wide and Kaycee snuggles in his warm embrace.

Kaycee closes her eyes gently and listens to his heartbeat and hers. She could feel hers quicken as time passed, and Sean's slowing down as his breathing stabilised.

She couldn't help but let out a silent giggle as Sean started to snore. His snores were cute, she thought. There were happening in little intervals. And they weren't like violent snores. They were soft and cute little snores, something she has never heard before, but found it adorable of him.

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