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Timestamp: 1:04 FINALE | S. 1 Ep. 5 | Sean Lew Approved

A/n: the finaleeeeee woo i don't think y'all are gonna be bumped for this one. eh oop.


Sean visits Kaycee in her room, since she had asked him to come. He knocks on the door 7 times, just like what he used to do back when they were kids. The door quickly opens and a grin is plastered on both their faces.



"So, why did you ask me to come here?"

"Don't know really. Just wanted some company. My bridesmaids are in the other room getting their make up done. Mine will be done last because we have a lack of chairs and space."

"Kaycee, could I ask something from you?"

"Go ahead."

"It's a crazy suggestion, I shouldn't be bringing this up on your wedding day. This is definitely not appropriate behaviour, but I'm not going to be in America soon, so I wanna do something for the last time."

"Wait what? Where will you be moving to?"

"Australia. And I won't be coming back."

"That's so far. I won't be able to visit you anymore."

"Yeah, but for my career, it has to be done. That's why I wanna ask for something for the last time."


"Could I, kiss you perhaps, for the last time?"


"It's a bad idea isn't it?"


"I'm sorry, I just-"

"Make it a double up. Just like we always did back when we were kids."

"Also, before I forget, I don't have a girlfriend. I made it all up. I don't have a dance partner either. Not after you."

"I didn't check Instagram so I guess I didn't know. But now that you said it, why did you lie to me?"

"Because I wanted to try and convince myself that you've moved on and you're happy, and that I should no longer be chasing after you. After all, it was me that wanted that break up."

"Sean Charles Lew, why didn't you tell me anything?"

"Because I was scared."

"Sean Lew never gets scared of anything."

"Now you know."

"Charles never gets scared. Never."

"It's wrong to."

"I know. But at least tell me."

"I love you Kaycee, I still do after all these years."

"I love you Sean, I always did. No matter whatever you said that day. My heart still beats when I'm around you. But I'm going to be with someone, someone who hopefully will complete that part of me."

"And I fully understand. But if one day, things don't work out, you know where to go. I leave tomorrow."

Kaycee nods, Sean wraps his hands around her neck and kisses her forehead, before passionately kissing her on her lips, until they ran out of breath. And with that last kiss, there was somehow some closure.

Sean walks out of the room and closes the door behind him. He was heading back, getting ready to pack to leave for Australia.

Before he left the door, he said, behind the closed door,

"I love you Kaycee, forever and always. You were my first love and will always be my first love for a reason. Thank you for the memories, thank you for everything. Every experience, every joy and every love I felt. It was all because of you. Kaycee, thank you. I'm not going to Australia, I lied again. I'm going back to our home street, where this all began and teach dance classes there. Because that was the only place that truly made me feel like home. I managed to buy back the home I lived in and even if you won't be there, I will still feel your presence. Thank you for being so significant in my life and I hope he treats you better than I could have."

And with that, he got up and left, but Kaycee heard it all and she cried.

"Right person, wrong time." She mumbled under her breath.

A/n: last few chapters were short on purpose, since it was meant to be quick moments.

i hope you guys have enjoyed this book, just as much as i loved writing it. i will be writing a new seaycee fanfiction soon, so stay tuned!

to all my supporters and you reader, thank you for being part of this journey with me.


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