[37] charles

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sean can i ask you something?

Kaycee texts him and patiently waits around her phone to reply. She placed her phone on her bed and danced around her room to some songs she played on her laptop.

of course.
is anything of matter?

Kaycee picks her phone back up and starts to reply to him, not wanting to leave him hanging and worried. She once fell asleep without telling him she was going to take a nap, so he panicked, wondering what happened to her and rushed over from his house to hers, only to be greeted by a sleeping beauty, with 38 missed calls shown on her notification wall.

do you wanna come over tomorrow night?
dinner with my parents and you can properly introduce yourself to them.
they are probably extremely curious about you. ❤

Sean smiles and of course, was willing to get to know her parents. Usually her parents are busy and are not avaliable most of the time, so he was willing to take this limited opportunity.

of course little cookie.
i'll be there.
just text me the timings and stuff.
if you don't mind, could my dad come along?
i think it would be good for him to meet them as well. :)

Kaycee loves Sean's father. A dad being so dedicated and supportive since day one of his son's life decisions. She has never seen a dad so loving towards his own son. The two were stuck like glue, and they hardly ever fight. The amount of understanding they have is something so rare and hard to find.

you know i love your dad!
ask him along, just let me know the attendance.
i'm excited for them to finally meet each other after a long time of knowing each other through us.
i love you <3

Sean opens up the camera app, takes a selfie of himself. He takes a few in fact, and sends them all to Kaycee.

Attachment: 10 images
i love you more <3

Kaycee laughs as she looks through all the photos he had sent. Of course he couldn't properly pose for any of them. But he's always a natural stunner, whoever disagrees might want to watch out for a flying shoe coming their way.

She looks through them on her phone gallery and smiles foolishly. The boy in that picture was finally hers. No more need for guessing around, he was hers, for real now. She found that person, who had perfectly checked off every thing on her list. He even had an extra few traits that she didn't add in but now she did.

It was a hard selection among all the 10 photos, since she had intended to set one of them as her lock screen wallpaper. Her home screen was a picture of the both of them, a little pixilated, unfortunately. She hopes to replace that one soon.

She finally decided to choose the one that made her laugh the most and was definitely the most outstanding one, a picture of him in the bathroom, with his dimples present and tongue sticking out. His fingers in a peace position and his face was a little too close to the camera.

He was always a goofball when it came to photos. He never properly posed in front of them, always with his mouth wide open, or just him proudly showing how shiny his teeth were. He would always have the signature peace sign as well, or he would do a simple slouch if it was a full body shot.

hehe look what i just did.
Attachment: 1 image

Kaycee sends a screenshot of her lock screen over and the moment Sean opens it to take a look at what she had done, he sighed but a creeping smile slowly took over. It was silly, but really cute of her to have the thought to put a picture of him as her lock screen.

angel! i don't know if i should be mad at you or be flattered.
also, this may be out of impulse but do you wanna hang out?
we could go to the nearby boba shop, grab a cup each and go to the park and relax?
besides, we didn't really had much time to ourselves the past few weeks.
you down? 👀

Kaycee smiles and instantly knew the answer to that question. She would always say 'yes' to him in a heartbeat. No need to hesitate or think it through.

To such impulses of his, she would gladly agree, because she loved hanging out with him just as much as he loved hanging out with her.

well there is only one obvious answer...
and this ain't just a hangout.
this is definitely a date.
don't humble that.
from now on, whenever we hang out, that's a date.
and i want it that way. 😚

Sean grabs his wallet and rushes out the door, but making sure to let his dad know where he was heading before leaving. His dad did remind him that he had to be home by 6pm for dinner.

also, do you wanna have dinner over at my place? my dad has made a *special request* for his future daughter-in-law to swing by and have a talk with him.

Kaycee checks with her parents and they were okay with it, since they were not going to be home anyways for dinner. They were going to be on a date night. Like they usually do every Friday.

Future daughter-in-law. Aww. Kaycee's heart melts into an instant goop.

tell him ill be there!
i would love to pay your dad a visit.
it's been some time since i've seen him.

Sean calls out to his dad once more that Kaycee would be joining them for dinner, and seeing an instant smile grow on his face made Sean feel happy and warm inside. He was glad that his dad loves Kaycee just as much as he did, but it also seems like he loves her a little more than that.

He treats Kaycee like his own daughter at this point, since at the start of the year they were constantly hanging out in their house. Sean's dad loves taking care of her, and Kaycee loves seeing him.

Sometimes Sean wonders if Kaycee was suppose to be their real child. Because Sean definitely does not get such special treatment and amount of attention.

kayc, i'm here.

Kaycee looks down as though it was some scene from Rapunzel and Sean was here to save her from the tower. Her hair does flow gracefully down the side of the wall, but not even close to being long enough for anyone to use it as a ladder.

She waves from her bedroom window and Sean looks up and waves back. Kaycee then grabs her valuables and rush out to meet him at the door.

The moment she opened the door, she jumped into his arms, and thankfully Sean manage to catch her perfectly.

"I missed you." Kaycee says as she squeezes her head into the gap between his jaw and his shoulder.

"It's not like we haven't seen each other for like months right." Sean giggles, and he felt Kaycee's grip get tighter.

"Don't ruin the moment for us. Or at least for me." Kaycee sighs, but Sean could feel a smile forming on her lips against his skin.

"Yoghurt shop we go. On aboard the Sean Lew express." Sean pretends to add coal into his train and starts driving the train along its tracks.

"Choo choo!" Kaycee laughs.

"One more time!"

"Choo choo!"


After their time at the yoghurt place, they headed over to Sean's place for dinner.

"Dad! Kaycee's here." Sean yells from the front door to the kitchen.

Within seconds, a man happily skips out from the kitchen and headed his way to us.

"See I told you my dad loves you. He never does this when anyone else stands here. Not even me." Sean sighs loudly, hoping it was loud enough for his dad to hear it.

"Oh Sean, don't get jealous. Besides, you will always be my son. No one replaces you. Unless Kaycee does actually marry into the family then that would be a major reconsideration." Sean's dad chuckles at the last part before warmly welcoming them in.

"Come on dad!" Sean rolls his eyes and Kaycee laughs.

"Let's go in now Charles." Kaycee gestures him in.

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