[4] blossom

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"Today, since we will be starting classes, I would like to change some seating arrangements. I prefer a good mix of genders instead of girls on one side and guys on the other. That way, you all can get to know more of your classmates."

The whole class sighed in disbelief after they realised they should have treasured their "honeymoon" more while it lasted.

Everyone was called and two seats were left, one next to the other.

Sean looks around him to see who was the other one. And turns out, not sure if it was fate but Kaycee was going to be sitting next to him.

They both took their seats and got ready their materials. Kaycee wasn't so bumped about it, knowing she had to sit next to a complete weirdo. Sean, however, could not be anymore excited. He had been wanting to know her better for the longest time. Her dark presence surprising intrigued him and now he had a strong craving to know everything about her, from head to toe.

She fascinated him. She wasn't trying to pretend to be the meanest girls in town or the hottest bad ass girls in the school. She didn't blend in, she rather stuck out in her own way. She didn't try to match with the popular girls either. Every girl in our school admires their looks of the popular girls, everyone except her.

"Mr Lew? How about you answer this question, since you're over there, dreaming away?" Mr Howard asked.

Sean calms himself before quickly analysing the question on the board.

It was from the topic of exponential functions. And Sean absolutely hated that chapter last year. It was the question that made him lose a ton of marks due to carelessness. Him and the topic just aren't meant to be.

"Erm..." Sean struggles to figure out any answer to the question.

All of a sudden, his train of thoughts was interrupted by the tapping of someone's pen.

He looks over at his tablemate, who still had her hood over her head and her book in her hands, holding a pen and tapping her desk.

"If you need the answer, it is 4<x<21"

Sean stared at her in shock. She had probably only taken one short glance at the question on the board and somehow worked out the answer so quickly.

"Sir, is the answer 4<x<21?" Sean replied, praying that Kaycee wasn't someone mean and wanted to embarrass him in front of the whole class.

"Well, yes. You are indeed correct. Please don't daydream anymore in my class alright?" Mr Howard gave him the green light and Sean felt the weight on his chest disappear immediately.

"Thanks Kaycee. Oh and you're super good at speed calculations. Wow." Sean tried shooting his shot by complimenting her.

She shrugs her shoulders while looking at him and mouthed a "thanks" before her eyes trailed back to her book again.

Sean was happy that she took the compliment. He's been trying, but she wasn't really budging much. Recently, she seemed to have opened her mind up to him a little. The truth is, Kaycee was. She was extremely curious as to why he was putting in so much effort into trying to get to know her better. No one tries, except for him. It was the first time she had encountered such a person.

He seemed to want to know her more, but she was a little unsure if she was ready to open up. She has been hurt and betrayed by her own best friends last year in her previous school, she doesn't want to go through that again for sure.

Kaycee used to have best friends. They would go out together after school, have lunch during their breaks together, meet up and study together. They were all inseparable. No one dared to speak to them. They were so strong that no one thought they could ever fall apart. They were stuck like glue.

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