[3] mistake

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"You did not just tell Sean he was adopted!" Sean's Dad, Arthur yelled.

"It was out of anger, I'm sorry." Carla exclaimed, but her voice quivered a little, hinting that she was worried.

"We were meant to tell him on his 18 birthday, not right now! I thought we agreed on it." Arthur did not show any signs of calming down.

"That stupid child just gets under my skin! And he keeps going further! Discipline him for me, how about that? It's not easy, especially when he mentions about dance. Dance is for girls and I promise you I envision a better future for him without it." Carla snarls and Arthur was not giving in.

"First of all, he's not a stupid child! He is a talented soul, don't you dare talk about him that way! Secondly, dance is not just for girls! My nephew does ballet and he loves every second of it. And you know what's the best part? He used to be an extremely quiet and shy kid, but after he joined ballet, he has become more expressive than ever. He became way more confident. So don't you dare be sexist about something that both genders can do. Girls can play football. Guys can do ballet. Change your god damn mindset!" Arthur bursted. He could not stand another moment listening to a word his wife would say next.

"Are you even my husband?" She threatens. She had enough. She was like a rubber band and she was at the maximum. A little bit more force and she snaps.

"Don't you dare put our marriage on the line for something like this. That is absurd."

"Therefore, I will." She says as she slipped her wedding band off her finger and placed it on the table between them.

"You're a psychopath." Arthur was taken aback at his own wife. That was his wife, standing right in front of him, who was willing to sacrifice their marriage just to prove the other right. It seemed as though marriage was no longer her number one thing to cherish.

While they were arguing, Sean could not help but stay awake. The constant yelling and screaming jolted him up from bed and he hugged his brown teddy bear and sniffled softly. He didn't want his parents coming in and cause more trouble than he already did.

"Am I that bad of a mistake?" He held out his teddy bear and asked. The bear was from his kindergarten. He cried once during his time there because he worried about his parents arguing again. So his kindergarten teacher told him, "If Mommy and Daddy ever argue again, you can hug this teddy bear and pretend you're hugging me, alright? Don't cry now. You're a strong little boy." She was his favourite teacher and she was like his pillar of support.

Even when Sean was mature and older, it just gave him a sense of relief and comfort whenever the bear is in his embrace. Sean felt safe around it.

As he hugged his bear and tried to fall asleep, he heard everything. His eyes closed, but he couldn't fall asleep. It was like a whole nightmare.

"My mom doesn't love me." He mumbled under his breath and his tears landed on the teddy bear's head. Slowly, drop by drop, the whole head was soaked in his tears.

He went to bed, pillow below his head but tears still falling from his eyes down to his cheeks. He hoped that it was all just a nightmare and he could wake up the next day, knowing all of these were not true and move on.

But not every bad thing is a nightmare.


It was early in the morning, Sean's alarm clock went off. He had been awake for the past thirty minutes, trying to figure out when the alarm would go off. He kept his eyes closed, in case his parents came in and would start asking questions, which he wanted to avoid.

The door gently swings open and his dad walks in this time, instead of the familiar figure of his mother. Sean didn't know if he should feel relieved or weirded out, but he continued keeping his eyes shut for as long as he could.

"Hey bud, wakey wakey. Good morning sunshine." His dad comes over and sits next to him on the bed, before gently shaking Sean up.

Sean manages to pretend to let out a fake yawn without his dad suspecting something was off as he puts on his cosy pair of slippers.

"Come on, I'll get you a ride to school today."

He kept it as simple as possible. He avoided talking about his mom, which he was still madly disappointed in. How could someone he loved was willing to put their marriage on the line because they felt that their child was a disgrace for doing something that they love? He simply couldn't wrap his head around why she would do that.

Sean rushes to the bathroom and gets himself sorted, while his dad served the breakfast he just finished preparing not long ago.

"Today on the breakfast menu we have...volia! Blueberry pancakes! Specially prepared by Chef Arthur." His father proudly points to himself and he presented his dish to Sean. Sean chuckles to himself as he took a large bite of joy. Blueberry pancakes were the best thing in the world, he couldn't live without them. It was his favourite out of all of his favourites. The ranking is high for such simple pancakes, but Sean doesn't care.

His dad was trying to cheer himself up a little as well, seeming that his wife has just moved back to her parent's house not long after the argument. He had slept in the king sized bed that was never empty on the other side and the sheets had never felt so cold. He couldn't help but sneak over to Sean's bedroom to sleep there for a bit. He felt way too lonely and needed some company. The only person he could find comfort in was his dearest son, who he loved and cherished a lot.

His parents had sadly put Sean up for adoption because they had two daughters and Sean was an accident, they didn't have any more money left to raise another child. They had to make a painstaking decision of putting their little ray of light for adoption. If they were to keep Sean, they could not guarantee him the best life. They could ever go homeless. His biological father was the only one working to feed the family of four, and a dog. It was already tough on his shoulders, surely having another kid was just make things worse.

"Dad loves you, always, okay? I will always be here with you, no matter whatever you do. I will be here to support you, every step of the way." He told Sean as he gently rustled his hair.

Sean was just enjoying his pancakes and didn't really take those words into mind. He didn't understand the suddenness of those words, neither the intention. Hence why he didn't take it as seriously, but he kept it at the back of his head.

"I love you too Dad." Sean smiles, his dimples show and revealed his lips, which were smeared with blueberry jam all over.

"Time to get you ready for school, look at what a mess you are silly." His father laughs and Sean rushes to the bathroom to do his last few preparations before getting on the car.

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