[27] relief

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A/n: thank you so much for 3k holy crap 🥺😭 (and one day i will find the time to add pictures for chp 23 onwards- )

"Mr Sean Lew?"

He was walking down the corridor when he heard his own name being called. It wasn't the voice of his principal, it was the voice of someone in his class. It was so familiar, but he couldn't make out who it was, so he spun around to check.

Instantly, he regretted turning around. He was immediately pinned against a locker. He felt his back slam onto one of the lockers hard. The metal had dented to fit the shape of his slightly slouched back. Sean could sense an impending sharp pain coming. He winced as the feeling hit him stronger than he had expected, but the pain didn't stop growing. He fought back the pain by biting down his lower lip, causing it to bleed a little.

"Finally, we meet. If you didn't know, I'm-" The guy tried to introduce.

"Gabe. Gabe Guzman. Funny hearing you call my name after a few whole years." Sean tested the water he will unfortunately be forced to dive into.

"Never knew about you. A quiet boy, a shy one too. And what goes hand in hand with a quiet boy?" Gabe threatens as he raises his voice a little more.


"A quiet girl. And there is only one quiet girl around here. In fact, she's from our class."

Kaycee. Kaycee Catlin Rice. Sean slightly panicked at the mention of her name. Not because he was scared that there was now a hand holding his throat, but because he was potentially going to harm her.

But to make sure it was her, he tried to pretend he didn't know who they were referring to.


"Oh you don't know? Well, she is someone you sit next to every day, in class and when you head home."

Stalker much? He saw them get into his dad's car together in the back seat. Shoot.

"Wonder what the two of you do in the back seat, hmm? Making out?" Gabe laughs.

Now this whole conversation made Sean feel sick to his stomach.

"Well, I wonder why someone has been so interested in stalking the both of us? Besides, only players take that backseat thing as a chance to make out with their girlfriends, maybe leading it to way more. And I am not that kind of guy." Sean stares angrily into Gabe's eyes.

"Oh, so you're implying I'm a play boy huh? What gives you the idea that I am that kind of person?"

"Don't think because I am the quiet boy that I don't know what things happen between you and Emma. With all those kisses you share with her that you try to hide from everyone and worst of all, making love to her in our male's bathroom's cubicle? You thought no one knew about it, huh?" Sean challenged back.

Gabe instantly flushes red and slowly loosens his grip around Sean's neck. The grip in the first place was tight, but not enough to suffocate anyone.

"H-how did y-you know?" He stumbles as he realises whatever he did behind closed doors has been literally exposed and made known to the one person he thought wouldn't know.

"I've got my ways. And anytime now, I could just say it all out loud in front of the class." Sean scoffs.

"Wait no. Don't tell it to the class. Even better, the teacher. Please."

"Then I want a deal made."

"What is it?"

Sean takes out a sticky note and a pen, before writing:

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