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A/n: just a pre-warning, this chapter is gonna get a little nerdy and i may have gotten some things wrong, do feel free to correct me! (of course, be nice :) )

AND merry christmas/happy christmas/happy holidays everyone! ☃️🎄

"Class, I hope you have finished your assignments from yesterday. May I get my class president to go around and collect the papers for me? Thanks Andrea." Mrs Megan asks before starting her lesson.

As the class president goes around, dragging her feet because of the many eyes staring at her at once, everyone got ready for the lesson like how Mrs Megan wanted.

Pencil case, chemistry file, chemistry notebook, chemistry textbook and calculator. All placed neatly on your desk.

It was a standard routine to follow. If you didn't bring any of those you would instantly be sent out of the class for the whole lesson. No questions asked.

Everyone knew not to mess with her and as they mentally know what the punishment is, the sight of her can cause anyone's hair to stand on its ends.

As Andrea approaches Kaycee's table, Kaycee gestures Sean to pass her his paper so she could submit them together. Kaycee quickly beams at him, with Sean slightly nodding a little to thank her non-verbally.

"Alright, since everyone's papers are in, let's begin class proper. So today, I will be introducing to you what are elements. So take out your notes and flip it open to the third page everyone." Mrs Megan starts off and the silence was instantly broken by the aggressive paper flipping that filled the classroom.

"Elements, what are they? They are not your carbon dioxide or your sulfuric acid. Those are compounds. Elements are usually the ones that are found in your periodic table. Things like Fe, C, O, H, Si, Cl and all the other ones are elements. They are the simplest forms." Mrs Megan continues.

"Now these different elements have their own set of electrons. Electrons are basically the sub-atoms that form up the electronic configuration of the element."

"How does one obtain the number of electrons just by viewing the periodic table? Easy. Remember that the number of protons is the same as the number of electrons. Opposites attract, so they must have the same amount of each kind to complement each other. It's like a magnet and its poles."


"Mrs Megan?" Someone asks from the back of the class.


"So how are compounds such as hydrochloric acid formed? (HCl)?"

"Great question. Basically, HCl is made out of a covalent bond between hydrogen and chlorine, which are both elements. Now these elements, like I mentioned, have their own set of electrons. So how do they combine?"

"Basically, the goal of a covalent bond is for all the molecules to reach a stable electronic configuration, which means a filled valence shell or a full electron shell. So the elements will share their electrons via the covalent bond until both elements reach the stable electronic configuration."

"And voila, how your best friend in the lab, HCl, was created. The perfect candidate for your metals." Mrs Megan ends off.

"Thanks Mrs Megan."


"Covalent bonds are so complex to draw urghhh I don't get it." Kenneth sighs as he knocks his head on the table.

Sean places his hand on the table where Ken's forehead would land again before he did another hit.

"If there isn't enough for one to form a full valence shell, add more of the other element. Keep adding until there is enough." Sean replies.

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