[36] reveal

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"You two did amazing on stage! But it's gonna be sad to see the two of you go. How are you guys feeling?" Jlo smiles as they did another interview.

"Glad that we had this chance to perform together. Besides, I think it was a good thing we were offered this, if not I would not have found her." Sean smiles at Kaycee and Kaycee beams back.

"Finding her and asking her to be my partner has made me a better person in general, and helped me accomplish things like this. I don't know what I would do without her, really."

"And how's that changed your relationship? It seems as though both of y'all have started becoming closer on Instagram." Jlo winks at Sean, suggesting that there may have been hints of a blossoming romance.

"Well, about that..." Sean scratches the back of his head and glances over at Kaycee, who slowly interlocks her fingers with his and placed it behind his back.

"We may or may not be together." Sean raises their tightly interlocked hands and showed it off to everyone watching. Jlo jumped out of her seats and squealed in excitement.

"I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! From the moment you told me you loved her as a friend, I did not believe that was close to the truth." Jlo rushes over to the two of them and hugs them both tightly in a group hug.

"Congratulations you two. And I'm glad to say you guys are on a good path to success. Keep doing what you are doing guys. Don't stop! Fighting!" Jlo gives them one last high-five before sending them off.

"God, how cute are they? Reminds me of my younger times man. Wish I could be young again." Jlo couldn't help but chuckle and blush a little at the duo's shyness and cuteness when talking about their relationship.


Sean and Kaycee headed back with all their performance items and unpacked it back in their own homes.

They promised to take a good 2 days break from each other, since they were worn out and exhausted.

They did not manage to qualify for the finals, sadly. They have came a far way though, so Sean and Kaycee could not be mad about it. Rather, the duo was surprised they could make it so far in World of Dance.

And take note how prestigious it is to enter the competition itself.

Now Sean and Kaycee has to manage their social media life, since they had gathered a large fan base as they were participating in World of Dance and were honourably mentioned by everyone for making Jlo cry during their 'Can I Be Him' choreography.

It is definitely tough for Sean, since he was not a social media kind of person. But he was learning and willing to adapt to this new technology. He was a little foreign to it, but once he had the basics down, he started to attract more and more of an audience each time.

For Kaycee, social media was part of her life, but also her nightmare. She never posted anything on her account, mainly because she had been cyberbullied in the past. Her fears persisted for many years, but with this new born fame, she decided to step out of her shell and post her first post in a while.

And suddenly, those who commented, were those who bullied her. Not only did they like her post, they even complimented her, saying she was 'beautiful' and 'gorgeous'.

Her fandom would back them up and crown Kaycee their 'queen'. Those who were more extreme went to the extent of calling her a 'goddess', which she found the hardest to accept.

After her many years with dealing with being judged by people, she realised confidence was key. If she showed that she was strong and independent, or that she was pretty and proud to be in her own body, others would find the same of her too.

Kaycee smiled as she noticed Sean following her and commenting on her post.

That is my girlfriend right there. ❤

The way she screamed was so ugly, but the way her heart screamed was the best feeling ever. It bursted in the overwhelming love and cried nothing but tears of pure happiness. This guy could just breathe and it would make her heart throb.

Everything that he does is so perfect, like how the hell did she get so lucky to have met him? Kaycee could not help but smile like a fool at the glass.

As the screen blanks out, she notices the radiant smile that had been plastered across her face, all because of Sean Charles Lew. That man is one hell of a smooth talker.

Kaycee opens up her private chat with him and starts texting him, fingers vigorously tapping on the screen as she felt blood rush to her cheeks.

sean charles lew!
how could you?
how are you such a sweet talker.
now im just left here all shy now. 😳

Sean receives notifications from their chat and he smiles as he saw her new contact name, my little angel ❤

why can't i compliment my girlfriend hmm?
i mean she is really hot.
and i have a crush on her.
like a really really big crush on her.

Now Kaycee is even more flustered than she already is. She had her face smacked right into the pillow, in case her parents saw her tomato looking face and wondered what in the world happened to her.

She was not in the mood for any questioning from her parents, so she better cover up her tracks before her parents find out.

kylie (poophead) 😤💕: baby sis! since when did you get a boyfriend?

Oh shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. This is bad. This is real bad. Oh no. Kylie saw his comment. Oh crap. She wasn't suppose to know quite yet, but oh well, blame her account for being public. Damn it.

uhhh yeah.
had been meaning to tell y'all some time soon, but wanted to invite him over and do the reveal together.
now that you know about, just keep it a secret from mom and dad please.

It would be nice if Sean could come over and talk to my parents with me about it. Besides, I am the youngest and they are the most protective of me, which can essentially mean a good thing or a bad thing.

kylie (poophead) 😤💕:
yes, don't worry, your secret is safe with me.
but i think our parents might find out about it soon enough...
did you forget they are really active on social media?

Kaycee eyes widen. She had forgotten her parents had Instagram accounts. And with her account being public and them being able to find it in pretty much seconds, she was a little worried.

She wanted it to come as a surprise, since she knew that her parents, despite not being there all the time for her due to their work demands and other events, they have always been supportive of her and Sean's friendship.

She knew that for sure they would love Sean, because every time she talked to them over dinner, their eyes would twinkle at the mention of him.

Her parents love Sean. But she was still nervous about whether her parents would fully accept him, until she can get a final confirmation.

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