[6] protect

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"Guys, come on let's head home. It's getting late. We still need to get ready for tomorrow. It's still the weekdays." Bailey looks up from her phone and said, meeting eyes with both Kenneth and Sean.

"Erm, anyone seen Kaycee?" Sean instantly thought of her, noticing that the cold and empty seat next to him was unoccupied. Kaycee was nowhere to be seen.

"I'll go check on her." Bailey rushes off to the toilets, in hopes of finding her somewhere in there.

As Bailey entered the toilet, she saw tons of paper balls laying everywhere on the ground and spilling out from underneath a cubicle. She didn't recall anyone entering in here, so it was for sure that that was Kaycee.

"Kaycee? Are you alright?" Bailey knocks on the door of the only occupied cubicle and there was no answer.

All she heard was little sniffles and another ball of toilet paper came rolling out from beneath again.

"Kaycee?" Bailey asks this time, with a more gentle and calming voice.

Slowly, she noticed the lock click open and revealed a girl with the familiar black hood over her head. Her eyes seemed to be puffy and red, her breathing was a little uneven.

"Hey, you alright?" Bailey once again asked and Kaycee nudged her away as politely as possible, indirectly stating to leave her alone.

"Come on, let's head out then." Both of them walk out of the toilets and Kaycee had never been more grateful to have a hood to cover her face. She probably looked horrible and she didn't want to attract the guys to ask her any questions. She had enough already.

"Sean, Ken, let's head out!" Bailey gestured the two boys out of the door, so that they wouldn't see Kaycee's super puffy eyes.

The two boys did as asked and waited for the two ladies to come out of the place as well, before everyone said their goodbyes and parted ways. Bailey and Ken went right while Sean and Kaycee took a left.

"Kaycee, it's everything okay? You seem a little distant after exiting the toilets." Sean asked, wanting to know what had happened after spending pretty much the rest of their time there locking herself in a cubicle.

She mustered up the courage to say a quiet "yes" to him and Sean acknowledged. She seemed a little uncomfortable with the question already, so he didn't pressured her and asked her any further about it.

As they crossed a pedestrian crossing, Kaycee had her head constantly down and walked in front of Sean. She didn't want him to notice her eyes, so walking in front was a better idea.

Sean walked behind and followed closely to her figure. As he crossed, he noticed a pair of headlights getting bigger and bigger, not showing any signs of slowing down.

He felt a rush of adrenaline through his arteries and veins, his heart beating faster than ever.

Sean looked over at the girl walking in front of him, still unaware of the incoming car. She was still taking her own sweet time to cross, and Sean was not having any of it.

He rushed towards her from behind and quickly pulled her towards him. He didn't have to think twice about whatever he did. He was not gonna watch her get injured in front of him.

The car passes and Sean mentally cursed the driver for being so reckless on the road, but grateful that Kaycee was okay.

Kaycee was in a whole state of shock. One, because she could have died. Second, she was in the arms of a guy. No guy has ever had their arms around her like that. She sunk in his embrace and her face was against his chest, she could hear his rapid heartbeat and she had never felt so safe in someone's arms before. The smell of his cologne calmed her down a ton too. He smelt exactly like the garden they went to visit earlier, reminding her of their walk along the route.

"Thanks." Kaycee said before she quickly squirmed out his arms but Sean still held her arms tight. She looks up and meets his concerned eyes. That glare was so fragile, he looked like he could just break anytime.

"You're sticking close to me, until we get to your street. Even if we pass my street, I insist to walk you to your street first." Sean said, Kaycee noticing a little bit of fury mixed in that answer.

Not to make him any more worried after the incident, Kaycee nodded. She didn't want anyone to worry about her. She didn't need that kind of attention.

They continued walking down the path, both of them sticking closer than ever. They basically looked like two people, attached at the hip.

Sean placed his arm around Kaycee's shoulder. He was not letting this girl go anywhere except right next to him. He did not want to have another almost-death moment, if one was not already enough. His heart was still pounding.

But he wasn't sure about why his heart was pounding exactly.

Was it because the car could have killed Kaycee? Or was it because-

He refused to believe that he was falling for her. He barely know her and besides, she doesn't seem to be interested in relationships anyways.

They were opposites. Sean was very cheerful, optimistic, open-minded. But Kaycee was the other way around. She was depressed, pessimistic and narrow-minded. Sean loves having people around him, but Kaycee doesn't. They just don't seem to have anything in common.

No matter how hard Sean tries to connect the dots together, nothing adds up. It all just doesn't work. Nothing joins or links.

"Sean, this is my street." Kaycee points to the right and Sean looks at her, with the most amused and widest eyes of excitement.

Well this was going to start something new between them.

"I live down this street too." Sean smiled and Kaycee was just as surprised as he was. Both matched each other's jaw-dropped faces and were so stunned.

"How long have you been living here?" Sean asked.

"I've been living here ever since I was a baby." Kaycee started to open up a little after realising that they had been neighbours all these while without knowing.

"Oh my god, how have we never walked past each other or have seen each other before? Like how is that possible?" Sean was so confused and just couldn't wrap his head around the fact that they never knew each other, and only knew each other in school.

Kaycee also explained she initially didn't join his school earlier on was because she had personal issues and was exempted from attending school. Her parents also decided to homeschool her since her family wasn't doing well in terms of income flow.

As they walked down to their houses, they couldn't help but laugh all the way and allowing them to break the wall which once separated them. The ice was broken and they were like long-lost siblings who found each other after a long time.

"Thanks for walking me home." Kaycee smiled widely at Sean.

Sean could not have stuttered any worse and his cheeks were bright pink. Her smile was the most beautiful smile he has ever seen and she had a laugh so contagious that it doesn't even take a millisecond for him to laugh along too. He just couldn't understand how or even why it made him feel this way.

"Y-yeah. Oh and erm...wanna go t-to school t-tomorrow, t-together?" Sean stumbled on his words but tried to play it cool by acting chilly and pretending a strong gust of wind had just blew by.

"Sure. You better head back home, you seemed to be freezing a little. Go warm up okay?" Kaycee flashes him one last smile before exchanging their 'good night's.

Sean walked home, feeling so accomplished and overjoyed after hearing what Kaycee just said to him.

He hummed a little tune subconsciously as he walked a few more steps to his house.

"I love you, a bushel and a peck. A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck."

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