[35] together

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A/n: holy thank you for 4k...i'm currently in tears oh my god. 😭💕


Sean and Kaycee heads over to Sean's house for a good 'welcome back' meal, prepared by Sean's dad.

Everyone had been gathered around the TV, sitting on both the couches and the floors, one even ending up on the coffee table (a.k.a Oreo)

They had been given a long break until the next round, so they had at least 1 month to themselves and 1 month for choreographing the dance and rehearsal.

One of the judges recently got sick, and it seemed quite bad, so the show had to pause for a little so that they can fully recover and return to the show.

"Sean! Kaycee!" Bailey exclaims as she rushes over to the two to give them a large hug. Kenneth came from behind and squeezed them all together.

"Hey bro, how's everything?" Julian smiles at Sean and Sean pulls him into a bro hug, followed by their signature handshake, which fun fact, they created over FaceTime.

And of course, they were the only kind of brothers to end their handshake off with a frog leap over one another. Kaycee looks at them, sighing at their childishness. But it was odd to see how the handshake goes from fist bumps to a frog leap.

Sean's dad brought them each a cup of steaming hot tea, but not too hot so that they can hold it without setting it down on a surface.

Sean carefully sips it and wraps his two hands around it, since the outside was cold and their hands were a little chilly.

"Hey! It's almost time for your performance! Everyone let's gather around the TV!" Kenneth ushers everyone to quickly settle back down in the living room.

Sean's dad of course was given the honour of sitting in the middle of the sofa, allowing him to have the best and most direct view of the TV screen.


Bailey nudges Kenneth and smiles from ear to ear.

"Remember that chemistry lesson we had when we learnt about covalent bonding?"

Everyone semi-nods, since some of them probably slept through that class or had no motivation in them that day to finish listening to the whole lesson.

"They are like molecules with van der waals forces of attraction and they will always be covalent," Bailey continues, "and the worst part? They are oblivious."

"Oblivious?" Sean laughs and looks over at Kaycee. They both instantly knew what he was talking about and their eyes lit up.

Everyone stared at them, wondering what was so funny about it. Sean whispered something into his dad's ears and his ears perked up.

Sean's dad could not help but smile so vibrantly. No one has ever seen him smile this wide before.

"I mean it's true. Y'all keep saying that y'all are just friends but I'm pretty sure actions speak louder than words. Like look at your body language right now. Hips facing her, eyes lighting up when you see her, being so attentive to her by leaning closer." Bailey lists out everything and counts them with her fingers.

Sean pulls Kaycee's head closer to his and brushes his lips against hers, always teasing her first, before kissing her for real.

And the crowd goes wild. Everyone cheered louder than after their actual performance.

"How did I not see this coming?" Kenneth smacks himself on the forehead before congratulating the two.

"Since when did y'all-" Bailey smiles. She could not be angry at the fact that she should have guessed it, because those two were mad cute together.

van der waals ✔ | seaycee (sean and kaycee)Where stories live. Discover now