[15] exposed

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All of them were once again in school the next day, with Sean and his dad picking up Kaycee for school today. Nothing much happened, since Sean wanted to prevent himself from having more stupid pictures of him taken by someone. (ahem ahem)

But today, when Sean opened his locker during recess, he noticed an envelope that someone dropped through the louvres of the locker. He takes the letter out and stuffs it gently into his pocket, before walking back to class.

When he reaches class, he takes out the semi-crumpled envelope and gently flips it to the front.

From: Kaycee

He instantly smiles and slides his thumb through the back of the sealed part to get the flap to open.

There was a little note inside from her. He was a little confused, since she has never wrote anything for him before. It was the very first time such thing has ever happened to him.

Even during his whole school life, no one has ever dropped a letter, even any love letter, into his locker. He thought he would never get a single one in his whole school journey. But she changed that.

Hey Shampoo,
Here is your daily boost of serotonin!

"Be the change you want to see tomorrow."

From Ricebowl :)

Before Sean could put it away, someone snatched it away from him and read it.

He quickly looked up to see who it was and thank god, it was just Kenneth. He would not have felt such a sigh of relief if it were to be one of those popular eggheads. (they honestly do look like eggheads though, what can i say man.)

"Someone got a love letter for the first time this year, dang." Kenneth chuckles and reads the little note.

"Ken! You could have asked me first, not just randomly snatch it away from me. This paper could have landed in the wrong hands, you know." Sean sighs and Kenneth gently pats his shoulder.

"Don't worry, now you know it's me now. By the way, who even gave you this? It's really sweet and cute man. Who is Ricebowl? Y'all are already giving nicknames to each other, must be really close." Kenneth presses his index finger on the paper and guides his eyes across the word Ricebowl.

"That's Kaycee." Sean replies, trying to not stammer at pronouncing her name. Saying her name was basically as hard as not getting tongue-tied saying supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. (I personally find it tough not to mess up at the end)

"Kaycee? Like Kaycee Rice? The one who sits next to you and gave answers for a daydreamer during math class?" Kenneth makes little hops, getting a little too ahead of himself already.

"Yes, who else would it be? Which Kaycee Rice would it be? There is only one that we know, and that's her." Sean replies as he points at the table next to her, which was for once, empty during recess.

Usually she would in class, reading her book and enjoying the cold air coming from that white box at the top of our classroom, but today she wasn't here.

"Wait, where did Kaycee go?" Sean stands up quickly, getting ready to bust out the door to find her.

"What do you mean? She's in school." Kenneth questions.

"Usually she would be sitting her during her break to read and enjoy her book. But she's not here. I'm going to go find her, want to come?" Sean asks Kenneth and being the good friend he is, he nods instantly before they both rush out the door to find the little girl.

Meanwhile, Kaycee had gone out of class to join Bailey at the cafeteria. Bailey wanted to talk to her about something "important", but from what she had been listening to for the past 10 minutes, it wasn't important at all.

"Kaycee, have you ever had laid your eyes on someone? Like in a you know, special way?" Bailey glances over at the girl who had her hood over her head despite it being like 35 degrees celsius.

Everyone was sweating buckets and she had a thick grey hoodie on. No one could understand how in the world did she not feel sticky and sweaty all over inside.

"Nope. Never. What about that question that is so important?" Kaycee sighs.

"You should have one. It's a fun experience for the most part." Bailey told her.

"And fun when you get your heart all broken because you get rejected." Kaycee adds.

"We don't talk about that part. That's why I said for the most part. That rejection part is only 10%."

"Well 10% is pretty significant if you ask me. I'll rather be 0.00001%." Kaycee chuckles, "besides, after the rejection, it's pretty much going to scar you for at least half a year. If you got rejected by someone popular, that's like the end of the world basically."

"Come on, the first part seems nice for a start. Some things don't even have great starts. They just start off horrible and it goes downwards, never upwards. One such example is tests. Crushes are way more interesting than those stupid class tests." Bailey tries to push her a little out of her comfort zone but once again, Kaycee refuses to budge.

"I prefer the class tests. At least if you fail, the only thing you get is a beating from your parents. Maybe grounded if it's bad. But at least you won't be humiliated. There are lots of people who would fail a test, right?" Kaycee tries to list out every possible reason not to have a crush.

"What a nerd. Come on Kaycee, it's honestly fun. It makes school life so much better and besides, it's not like a must to confess to them. You can just keep it to yourself, a little crush." Bailey tugs Kaycee up from her seat and guides her to the basketball court, where all the so-called "good-looking guys" were at.

Kaycee glances over the court to notice many tall guys. They had the trendy hairstyle and even had Nike Airforces. There were girls sitting down on the benches surrounding the court and cheering as one of them scores a goal.

"I don't like the fact that someone I want to be with has so many crazy fan girls who would want to get laid by him." Kaycee rolls her eyes as she stares at the group of girls acting like pure idiots, clapping and screaming their favourite boy's name.

"It takes time Kaycee. Once it clicks, it clicks. It will come naturally, but I just want to make sure your options are wide." Bailey smiles as she tugs Kaycee by the arm and heads back to class.

Panicked Sean was back in class with Kenneth and he has been pacing back and forth in the classroom for 5 minutes straight.

"Oh my god, where did she go? Recess is ending in like 5 minutes time. Even if she were to head to the bathroom, why would someone take 10 minutes?" Sean asks.

"She could be doing a big business, you'll never know." Kenneth sighs as he had been watching this poor guy have a panic attack for the past few minutes.

"Hey guys!" Bailey walks in and to their surprise, Kaycee follows in after her.

"Oh my god Kaycee! You're with her. Thank god. We thought something had happened to you." Sean quickly rushes over to check if she was okay.

"Correction, you were the only one. Not me. I'm not involved." Kenneth finally takes in a huge deep breath, knowing that his ears could finally stop ringing from Sean's constant ranting.

"And since when did you two grow so close to each other? Starting to hug and everything? When did this all happen, huh?" Bailey smirks and Sean rolls his eyes.

"Bailey, go away. It's a long story to tell anyways." Sean replies quickly before glancing back at Kaycee again.

"Long story...Romeo and Juilet?" Kenneth laughs and Bailey awes.

"Oh my god, is it really like Romeo and Juliet? Or was it more action-packed like Jack and Rose?" Bailey was dying to know about everything.

Ding dong.

"Come on-" Bailey whines.

"Uh uh. Bell rang. Now let's head back to our seats." Sean pretends to be innocent and smiles at the two frustrated children. He gently pats their heads before rushing back to his seat.

"They are so nosy, huh?" Kaycee laughs.

"For sure." Sean laughs along.

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