[28] safe

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im okay.
just suffered a little nose bleed.
dont worry about me ok?
have fun with lessons.
ill see you in class soon ricebowl :)

Sean replies to his notifications and Julian notices his best friend smiling away like a fool again.

"Is it Kaycee who texted you? Like who else could get you smiling like that?" Julian teases and Sean giggles.

"But she is a genuine friend. She always checks up on me and makes sure I'm okay no matter what. And that is what I truly adore about her. She is such a sunshine."

Julian could tell Sean did not once lie in whatever he had just said. It was not even exaggerated. She was just so perfect for Sean that it seemed so unreal, in the best way possible. Finally, Sean found someone who allowed him to show the happiest side of him again. And Julian could not be any happier for Sean.

"SEAN CHARLES LEW!" Kaycee rushes into the general office and runs into his embrace, startling Sean a little.

"Kaycee, you should be having classes. Why are you here?" Sean questions as he wrapped his arms around her tighter, letting her know he was still very happy to see her.

"I just told the teacher I needed to use the bathroom, so I don't have much time here." Kaycee was a little breathless, but Sean could make out what she was saying.

Kaycee bent down 90 degrees and had her arms straightened out as her palms rested nicely on her kneecaps. She was panting hard and struggling to catch her breath.

"Here, you can take my water. I haven't drank from it, it's a new one." Sean slides the plastic bottle out of his bag and Kaycee was a little hesitant to just take it from him.

"Sean, it's okay. I'm going back anywa- Sean? What happened here?" Kaycee finally looks up to see her best friend's face bruised.

"It's nothing, don't worry." Sean gently removes Kaycee's hands as her hands starts to feel around the bruise on his cheek, causing a sharp pain.

Sean winces a little and Kaycee finally removes her hand.

"Sean, what happened here? This isn't "nothing". This is serious. Who did this to you?" Kaycee leans a little closer and glazes at him with the saddest eyes he has ever seen.

Her tone had become gentler and her actions became softer. She was really worried about him.

Julian watches how Kaycee cared for Sean and he understood why Sean loves her with his whole heart. All he did was just silently watch the whole scene unfold and he basically understood everything. Just by looking at them.

She was so tender towards him when it was the right time. The way she checked up on him and the way she ran towards him to hug him like nothing else mattered but him. It was like if the sky came crashing down she wouldn't care, so long she had him by her side.

Kaycee gives him one last long hug before saying good bye and rushing back to class, or the teacher might get a little suspicious since the washrooms were probably only less than 10 metres away.

"Sean, text me after okay? Julian, please watch after him for me, he can be a handful sometimes." Kaycee giggles, hoping to lightening the mood.

"Oh I have been dealing with this idiot my whole life, it's definitely not easy to watch him." Julian jokes along and Sean nudges him hard in the stomach.

"Ow! Hey what was that for bro?" Julian winces in pain and Kaycee laughs.

"See you two later if I can!" Kaycee smiles and pretends to shoot a double hand pistol towards them, before she sprints back to her class.

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