[8] trouble

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A/n: it's someone's special birthday today, aka mr sean charles lew! once again, a special early update to celebrate this amazing occasion.

"Thanks Uncle for the ride to school today!" Kaycee thanked, being her polite and mannered self.

"You're most welcome, Sean must be really lucky to find a friend like you, someone who has such great manners and respect." Sean's dad smiled at her through the rear mirror.

As they both got off, Sean quickly thanked his dad before they headed into the school grounds.

Kaycee quickly pulled Sean by the wrist over to a corner, which allowed them to be away from everyone's sight.

"Yes? What's wrong Kaycee?" Sean asked in concern, noticing that she tugged his wrist really tight.

"Firstly, sorry for the hard tug, I didn't realise I was pulling really hard. Secondly, could we head in like one by one? I don't really want anyone to know that I have friends. The stares I would get and the questions I have to answer will scare me. But please don't get me wrong, I see you as my friend, don't worry." She gave her signature smile and Sean instantly felt better about the whole situation.

Whatever she just said, even the part where she said that she did see him as her friend, was all genuine, from the bottom of her heart.

"Of course I understand. I'll catch you after school then?" Sean quickly answered before Kaycee pulled her hoodie out from her bag and placed the hood over her head again. She nods one last time at him before rushing through the crowd with her head down, leaving his side.

Sean was confused for sure, but whatever helped her feel safe and comfortable, he was surely fine with it. He didn't want her to seem, in any way, any discomfort. She deserves the right to be her happy self. Because when she does, he can see her million dollar smile show. And Sean like seeing her in that state. Cheerful and bubbly.

He would do pretty much anything for her to flash him that smile.

It gave him a feeling of warmth and joy, lingering behind a tint of love. It was the kind that could make him giddy and his knees all jelly.

But he was still convinced that he wasn't developing feelings for someone whom he met for just under a week. No way.

As he walked out of their little temporary hideout, someone slaps him by the back of his head before wrapping their arm around his neck.

"Bro, what's good? Great to see you in the morning, all freshened up and ready to go for the rest of school." Kenneth chuckles and Bailey, who was walking alongside him, sighed deeply.

"Nothing much, woke up and felt great today. Let's just head to class, shall we?" Sean replies and they all head down the corridor, where all the students were unloading their backpacks into their personal lockers. They also noticed some guys slipping love notes into a girl's locker. Typical day of high school.

They got to the door of their classroom and Sean's eyes, without hesitating, travelled straight to Kaycee. He didn't even have to think twice about whatever he just did, but he did notice Kaycee giving him a slight nod to acknowledge his presence, but so subtle that no one would notice.

Sean decided to hang out with his friends after placing his bag down on his seat, since Kaycee didn't want any conversation to happen between them until school was over.

"Your turn Sean! Truth or dare?" Julian, one of his friends that he had made since elementary, asks the young man who had been daydreaming away.

"O-oh. Sorry. Got carried away by some thoughts." Sean shrugs and tries to force out a quick smile, "How about truth?"

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