[33] wonder

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A/n: updates will be back to normal! every sunday, a new chapter update :)

thank you guys for your endless support despite my temporary disappearance heh heh. <3

AFTER AUDITIONS SEASON AND FIRST ROUND (they made it through, yes)

"I wanna do that dance we did for auditions for second dance. It would be nice revisiting that dance and the way we felt. Besides, it would look even better now that we are able to get our hands on more equipment." Kaycee smiles.

"Of course! Sounds like a great idea. Since we still have that dance somewhere tucked away in our brains, trainings wouldn't be so vigorous either. Muscle memory should help us out a lot here." Sean smiles back.

"The judges love the dance the last time we did it. I think they would love it even more this time, now that our chemistry is better." Kaycee pulls his arms towards her and reels him in like a fish.

Sean falls into her soft arms and Kaycee gracefully dips him, almost dropping him because of the sudden dead weight on her small arms, before struggling to put him back on his two feet.

"I almost dropped you, my bad."

"I trust you. And knowing you, you would never drop me." He winks and she blushes.

"That probably just mean you don't know me well enough." Kaycee folds her arms and scoffs.

Sean leans in closer and his forehead presses against hers, his nose touching her nose. Both of them make eye contact and Kaycee couldn't help but giggle at how ridiculous he looked from that angle.

Sean's heart beats faster as he notices how beautiful her facial features were. He never managed to admire them, since she would constantly look away when they get too close.

She was a work of true art. Everything about her was beautiful and perfect, but in her own way. She potrayed beauty differently instead of being a copycat. Originality. He loved that about her.

She wasn't trying to be someone else on the internet. She didn't look like anyone else. She was Kaycee Rice. And there is only one of her.

"Poop!" Kaycee blurts out in the middle of their awkward silence and they both went into incontrollable states of laughter.

"Poop?" Sean questions her choice.

"I don't know really." Kaycee laughs it off. Her innocence was simply filled with pure and genuine intentions. That's another tick for Sean.


Rehearsing was a little difficult without the props around. The timing of the dance was based off the timing of the lamps itself. Without it, it was hard to make a judgement and even harder to feel connected to the dance in general.

Kaycee had a few slip ups as she starts of the dance walking towards the main stage, from her footwork to rotating her shoulders the wrong direction. It pissed her off every time and she was frustrated. But she was also scared Sean was losing his patience.

Sean, on the other hand, indeed did feel annoyed. But as he noticed how she tried to immediately correct every tiny mistake she makes, even if her fingers bent the wrong way, she would keep restarting, just so she could get it right.

He couldn't blame her either, for as long as he had known her, which felt like 9 years but had only been a couple of months, knew that she was a perfectionist. It was no doubt that she was, even if she doesn't confess.

It stuck out so well in her, which was a good thing and a bad thing. But mostly it was a good thing because she complemented him so well, with him also being a fellow perfectionist himself too, but not as big of one as compared to the girl dancing next to him.

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