[31] care

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A/n: hello everyone! i will be taking a month break from writing, since exams are around the corner.

see you guys again on 15 May :)
(if i don't upload a chapter by then please spam me on my messages/announcements/comments haha)

"Hey Kaycee." Gabe smiles as he approaches her after school while she was waiting for Sean.

"Don't act like you didn't do anything that day." Kaycee looks at him with dagger eyes.

"Woah woah, chill. You can consider that day as a horrible mistake. I'm really sorry for what I did." Gabe sighs and Kaycee still doesn't fully forgive him for that day.

"Whatever you did was just not right. And there is no way for you to make up for that." Kaycee turns away from him, hoping he would stop talking to her.

"Kaycee, listen. At least work with me for the project and that's it. I swear we will not have to speak again." Gabe swore and Kaycee finally gives in, knowing that the project was important.

"Fine. But after this, I don't want to see your face anymore." Kaycee sighs and gives her phone number to Gabe.

"I'll delete it after we finish this project." Gabe promises.

"You better." A voice from behind Kaycee said.

Kaycee turns around to greet Sean and Sean pulls Kaycee closer to him, guarding her a little.

"Sean, it's okay." Kaycee whispers to Sean and only after some time, Sean finally let go of her. But Sean still had his guard up.

"After all of this, remember what I told you. Only for this project, I'll have an exception for the deal we made. If not, I'll tell them exactly what you did." Sean keeps it vague, knowing Kaycee was still around and does not know about anything.

"Got it." Gabe salutes and walks towards the school gate.

"What deal now?" Kaycee looks up at Sean.

"None of your business. Just guy stuff." Sean smiles and pats her head gently before they both head into the car.


Kaycee notices Sean felt troubled after she asked him to help her get her phone because someone had texted her.

"Earth to Sean?" Kaycee asks Sean as she opens up her phone.

"Hmm?" Sean gives a simple answer, noting that he did hear her call her, but does not continue the conversation.

"Sean, tell me. What's wrong?"

"Did you not see your notification?"

"Not yet. Our dance choreography is more important than that stupid notification. Come on Seanie, let's go." Kaycee makes her hands into small crocodile snapping away, asking Sean to grab her hand.

Once Sean grabs her hand, she leaves her phone behind in the garage at the side where it wasn't very visible and she starts the music.

"Come on Sean!" Kaycee smiles, while Sean was still frowning.

Kaycee was getting upset. She could not figure out how to stop making him feel so frustrated and what he was angry about.

"Sean, is there anything we need to talk about?" Kaycee finally gets straight to the point and asked.

"I don't understand why you don't trust me." Sean replies, leaving Kaycee with an extremely vague answer.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you see that he's bad for you? He has absolutely no good intentions at all. Everything in his mind is just screwed up. Yet you're here, not willing to trust me?" Sean rants and Kaycee finally decides to get up and check her messages.

hey kaycee, gabe here.
do you wanna hangout?
to talk about the project, obviously.
once we finish the discussion you could come over to my place to watch a movie, to make up for the time i was being very disgusting.
let me know asap alright?

Gabe texted her. And Sean was not having it.

"Sean, we are just meeting up for the project." Kaycee sighs.

"And then you will head over to his place to watch a movie, supposedly to make up for the time he was being very oddly suggestive? Nah uh. Red flag."

"Yeah, I agree on that one. I'll just head home right after we conclude our project discussion, I won't want to head back to his house. Who knows? He could be having many girls back home ready to please him." Kaycee rolls her eyes as she mentions the last part to Sean and Sean laughs, knowing that he could trust Kaycee to make the right decisions.

"I mean for real, who knows?" Sean agrees.

"You can pick me up after our meet up! That way he knows who he is messing with." Kaycee smirks and giving Sean a high-five.



let's meet up at 6.30pm.
i won't be able to stay any longer than 30 minutes, so i won't be heading back to your house for movie night.

Kaycee sends the messages while Sean had casually knocked himself out on the couch. Kaycee was sitting on the couch next to the one he was sleeping soundly on and texting him.

tomorrow it is.
and no worries. it was just an invitation. it doesn't mean you have to come. i'm not gonna force you.
how about we meet at the Grace's Yoghurt Delight?

Grace's Yoghurt Delight. The place that felt like home to her. The place where Devon always brought her to. The place where she and Sean had a snack together for the first time. It was filled with amazing memories.

And hopefully he doesn't ruin it.

sounds good.

I didn't want a conversation to start between us, so I ended with a very short and simple reply, hoping it would hint to him that she doesn't want to talk to him any further. And thankfully, he does take the hint and just read the message.



"World of Dance auditions are just around the corner. I've just collected our bibs, wanna meet up at my place so I can pass it to you?" Sean calls, while he was heading home from the collection area.

"Sure. I'll meet you there in 20 minutes." Kaycee shrieks. She was initially scared about the whole thing, but now that she has slowly let herself comprehend the whole situation better, it made her feel less anxious about it.

"See ya Ricebowl!"

She knew Sean was smiling, even if they were just connected through telecommunication. She could hear the broad and wide smile on his face, and that little child excitement growing in him again.

He was over the moon and contented to start this small partnership with Kaycee. He loves every second with her, from watching Friends together to eating popcorn together, without her being judgemental because they both enjoyed those same things. They had so much in common oddly, for a quiet person like her. But maybe it was because she doesn't share about her life much in the first place.

He could not wait to get off the phone with Kaycee and rush straight back to his house to get ready. He took off and ran as fast as he could to catch his bus. He never knew how fast he was going until he realised that he had been running faster than countless cyclists on road bikes.

"Bus 15!" Sean shouts as he notices the 2 familiar yellow glowing digits and sprinted, flagging the bus down as he slowly got closer to the bus stop.


Kaycee waited outside his house, way earlier than she had told him. Sean's dad notices her waiting at the doorstep and quickly invites her in without hesitation.

As Kaycee was taking off her shoes, Sean's dad calls her over to the living room. Kaycee was a little confused and sat down cautiously, wondering if she was in some kind of trouble with Sean or him himself.

"Kaycee, I just want to talk with you about Sean before he comes back. I know you two will be busy in the garage later."

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