[19] stay

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The day when the sleepover ended, Sean could not stop thinking about that forehead kiss he gave to Kaycee.

It seemed so natural. Too natural in fact for him. It was his reflexes. They did that. He couldn't hold back, and he wouldn't if he could.

He was headed to Kaycee's house in his dad's car like usual, honking and waiting for her to arrive at the door of her house.

Kaycee rushes out of the house and slides into the car as fast as she could.

"Good morning, sorry I was late. I woke up late and had just gotten Kino's food ready for him." Kaycee slowly calms down and tries to regain her breath.

"Who's Kino?" Sean's dad asks.

"Kino is her dog, he is super cute. She showed me a picture of him once. You were around but you probably didn't see it." Sean replies on behalf of Kaycee, knowing that she was struggling to catch her breath, so talking would only make it worse.

"Ahhh. What a lovely name by the way. I love it. It has like a nice ring to it. Kino. Ki-no." Sean's dad admires the name that her family had named the dog.

"Thank you!" Kaycee manages to say as she manages to breathe normally again.

"Let's head to school now, I don't want anyone to be late. I hate receiving calls from principals. Can't listen to him for one second. It's awful." Sean's dad laughs.

"For sure." Sean and Kaycee agrees in synchrony. When they noticed that they said it at the same time, they turned to face each other, stared at each other and giggled.

I miss the times when I was with you back then, we were so young and naive and thought that nothing could ever stop us.

Sean's dad thought and smiled as they both reminded him of him and his wife. They completed each other. She gave him the love he needed and he gave her the company she needed.


"Bye kiddos! Have a great day at school today." Sean's dad waves them goodbye before driving off.

As Kaycee was about to turn her heels to leave like she always did, Sean grabbed her arm and pulled her back towards him.

"Kaycee, I want us to go to class together." He proposed.

"Sean, you know that's not going to end well. I'm not suppose to have any friends because I'm perceived to be a loner. The quiet kid in school. I don't want to ruin your reputation either."

"Who cares about my reputation when the most important thing right now is that you're the most vulnerable to those mean ass girls? If you're hurt, what will my reputation serve to help you? Nothing. It means nothing to save you."

Kaycee stares at him and was taken aback at whatever he just said. He was willing to take a bullet for her, even if it meant that he would lose his currently good reputation.

That good reputation was the reason why no one dares to cross paths with him, unless you mean well like Julian, Bailey and Kenneth. The mean girls wouldn't bother the people in the category he falls in.

"No Sean. I care for you. Your reputation is what stops you from getting picked on everyday. Besides, I chose this school life. I wanted it to be like that. So don't try to stop me." Kaycee rips his hand off her arm but Sean refused.

"Kaycee, you're being absolutely ridiculous right now. Trust me, it is for our own good. We both benefit from this. I just...don't want it to happen to me again." Sean recalls what happened to Aubrey and he felt his heart shred into pieces internally.

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