[26] challenge

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The next day was of course another day of school. Just the boring classes to fill up the first half of the day and after that they were dismissed.

Kaycee sat in class and they were just informed that a new project will be assigned to them. There will be an individual and group component and these will all be making up 20% of their score percentage for their whole year.

Sean looks over at Kaycee and points his index finger from him to her and back to himself. Kaycee smiles and instantly nods, but a sudden cough interrupted the noisy class.

"Class, I will be the one assigning the partners. Unfortunately you will not be able to choose your own partners because this is part of your overall year percentage and hence you must prove that you can work with anyone I assign you to."

Everyone sighs, so does Sean and Kaycee. They both silently prayed under their breaths, hoping somehow the teacher had put them together.

"Kaycee Rice, your partner will be Gabe Guzman."

Kaycee looks over to the back and notices Gabe waving at her with a huge smile. But that smile only gave her shivers and not warmth, like when Sean smiles.

She was of course, disappointed. Sean was just as upset about it too.

At the back of the class, Gabe smiles and high fives one of the popular girls.

"Now I've got her under my radar." He smirks at them and the girls laugh.

"I'm counting on you babe." She replied as she gently pulled him closer and left a kiss on his cheek.

"I'll make sure I will ruin whatever they have. Besides, I heard that both of them seem to be having some sort of blossoming romance?"

"Oh the whole school could probably tell by now. Literally an idiot would even notice it."

"Let the games begin." Gabe smiles slyly and his girlfriend gives him a hug from the back.


As the bell dismisses the whole school, everyone instantly makes a beeline for the exit, squeezing in between each other, forcing a way out of the narrow door way.

Kaycee starts packing up and waiting for the crowd to subside before leaving. Besides, Sean was using the restroom, so she still had to wait in the end.

As she finishes packing her bag by placing her pencil case on top and zipping her bag up, she felt a strong hand touch her shoulder. The sudden force caused Kaycee to jump in fear, wondering if someone had asked for trouble with her again.

Once Kaycee felt that the distance between them was comfortable enough, she looked up and meet the eyes of the stranger.

"Sorry Kaycee, didn't mean to startle you. Just wanted to say hi, that's all." Gabe smiles and Kaycee exhales.

"Uh okay? You don't have to scare me like that." Kaycee coldly replied. She was not having it. No one steps within her boundaries unless you are someone she is familiar with, like Sean, Bailey and Julian.

She picks up her bag and headed towards the door. She wanted to go and find Sean to escape this whole awkward situation between her and Gabe. Only Sean knows how to make her feel better and make her feel safe.

But Gabe quickly pulls her by her arm and she was abruptly stopped in her tracks. She could feel her heart racing and her palms sweating. Thank god he didn't know that because he had grabbed her wrist and not her palm.

"Wait, we haven't decided when we are going to start it." Gabe raises one eyebrow and questions her.

"I'll leave that for tomorrow. I need to head off now, I have to run some errands. Alone." Kaycee emphasises on 'alone', hoping it would warn him off enough or else she would have to activate plan B. Which would not be a pleasant sight to see after.

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