[10] nicknames

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A/n: to each and everyone of you who has voted and read this book, thank you so much for 1k! and i'm not even half way done QVDIWDJVWF i love y'all ❤

Shout out to the very active users:

thank you guys for voting on my story, don't you ever think i miss out on the votes y'all give.

okay enjoy this 1k special early update (or whatever you wanna call it haha)

"Hi Sean." Kaycee awkwardly greets, guilty about sneaking into the garage without asking him.

"What are you doing here all of a sudden?" He asks, genuinely concerned if anything had happened at Kaycee's.

"Oh nothing much, just left my pencil case here and left, so I came back to get it." Kaycee scratches the back of her head in embarrassment and Sean's once narrowed eyebrows soon relaxed.

"I see. You've got everything now?" Sean looks around and Kaycee nods.

"Yep! Thanks Sean. By the way, what were you doing in the garage?" Kaycee asks curiously.

"O-oh that? E-erm I heard the song play on the radio just now we were in the car together and I really loved the tune, so I was trying to choreograph something with the song? I'm a little stumped to be honest." Sean starts going red, realising she had been at the door without him knowing and watching him dance with his eyes closed.

Sean felt like he looked like an idiot, which again, is not a good impression of him on her. He internally slapped himself for not being aware of her presence in time.

"Could I watch the first few steps? You seemed to have figured it out a little." Kaycee suggests and slowly makes her way into his little dance studio.

"S-sure. Erm give me some time to set up." Sean stumbles a little. He had performed in front of many, but this time she made him feel extremely nervous. She made him want to show the best version of himself as much as he can, which made him feel a little pressured overall.

Sean could feel his heart beating so hard while he made his way to the laptop to rewind the soundtrack. He hesitated a little to press the space bar but he took a deep breath and pressed it.

Anyways, it wasn't complete, so he technically had an excuse to make up for any mess ups he would make later.

"You walked into the room and now my heart has been stolen."

He kneels down on one leg, waiting for his imaginary partner to walk onto the stage. He then proceeds to meet her in the middle and let his partner lay on him, before he spins and slowly descend.

"You took my back in time to where my heart was unbroken."

He pushes his shoulders back and forth, both his shoulders alternating the movements. He then falls forward into a double leg kneel gracefully.

"Now you're all I want and I knew it from the very first moment."

He flows his body to the beat and slowly gets up from his position. He pretends to control the movement of his partner with his hand.

"'Cause a light came on when I heard that song and I want you to sing it again."

He starts to go closer to his partner and pretends to hug her tight from the back, before letting her go and then pulling her into a tighter hug as the partner spins into his arms.

Sean opens his eyes and notices the bright smile on Kaycee's face. She claps and cheers as Sean headed to turn off the music.

"That was so cool, but you seem to be needing a partner?" Kaycee asks.

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