[17] realise

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Julian went over to Sean's house to spend the weekends together. They decided it would be a boy's night today although Sean wanted to invite Kaycee over to practise their choreography.

"Dude, you've been frowning throughout this whole time. You okay?" Julian asks as he notices his once cheerful friend started looking a little down.

"Oh uh it's nothing. Just thinking about something." Sean shakes the guilt out of him but Julian caught on that it had something to do with-

"Kaycee huh? That 'something' stuck in your head is her right? Come on, be a man, admit it. I mean it's not like there's anything awkward about telling me about her. Unless..." Julian smirks and Sean sighs.

"Julian! I swear to god. Come on now. Yes, it is her. Kaycee Rice. I was meant to do something with her tonight, but I didn't ask her since you wanted to hang." Sean admits.

"Here we go with your 'something's again. Go on, tell me. What has happened between the two of you behind all of our backs?" Julian faces him as he repositions himself to find a comfortable spot to sit.

"It's meant to be a surprise, so too bad, too sad. It all started off with Bailey, Kenneth, Kaycee and I going to the ice cream place. I went home with her and she almost got ran over by a car that night. So I offered to walk her home and that's when we realise she is my neighbour. That's why my dad would pick both of us up from school and back." Sean explains.

"So why did y'all keep this whole friendship as a secret from us? Like we would have been delighted to know that you found another girl." Julian laughs. Sean punches Julian in the chest with his fist.

"Ok, ok. I'm sorry, that was a little overboard."

"Hold on, my bladder is calling for me to visit the excretion centre. Give me a few seconds, I'll be right back." Sean sprints to the toilet, probably was going at a speed faster than Usain Bolt could go.

Julian was left alone on the couch, sitting down with an overloading amount of popcorn in between him and Sean's seat. But a buzz made him realise he wasn't the only one in the living room.

He noticed Sean's phone's screen light up as a call was incoming. Julian picked it up to notice it was a FaceTime, coming from someone named Ricebowl 🙃🤍 (angel)

Julian, not going to lie here, felt a little jealous. Sean never puts emojis behind anyone's contact. Or so he thought. Well this whole moment proved him wrong.

"Ricebowl? Which girl could this be, calling him at such interesting hours?" Julian mumbles to himself as he checks the time. It was literally 10pm.

Sean walks back, having no idea that Kaycee had just called his phone.

"Bro, what's with that face of yours? Did something happen? What did I miss?" Sean asks, looking around the room for any changes.

"Nothing." Julian wanted to say it out loud so bad, but he kept his jaw closed, saving the burning question for later.

"Okay..." Sean raises an eyebrow, with doubt in his eyes as he looked over at Julian, who now refused to look at him or make any eye contact.

"What in the world happened while I was gone just for that quick second?" Sean asks himself, but saying it loud enough for his own self to hear it.


We were in the middle of The Office when Sean's phone starts to vibrate. Since Sean's phone was nearer to Julian, he didn't wake up from the small earthquake his phone was creating.

All from that same person called Ricebowl 🙃🤍 (angel).

are we rehearsing today?
you didn't answer my call just now?
you alright?

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