[34] adorable

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"You can't reach this, can you?" Sean raises Kaycee's phone above his head, making it impossible for Kaycee to reach it, even if she jumps.

"Are you mocking my height here? I...I...hate you!" Kaycee says between her desperate gasps for air after constantly jumping.

"You're so cute when you get mad, you know that?" Sean smirks and Kaycee pouts.

"Hello lovebirds!" Kenneth places both his hands on Sean's shoulders, making Sean startle a little at the sudden presence.

Kaycee rolls her eyes at Kenneth's weird antics and him shipping the two of them.

But Sean did not think the same.

Sean bends down a little and gently wraps his hands around her head before leaving a kiss on her forehead.

"I was not expecting that." Bailey was taken aback and Sean laughs.

"It's a friendly forehead kiss." Sean smiles as he wraps his arm around Kaycee's waist, pulling her closer.

"Since when did the two of you start being so lovey-dovey and touchy? Like that amount of skinship is surely something to talk about." Kenneth raises one eyebrow and integrates the duo.

"I mean, you could say that the competition brought us closer together. Now we are practically stuck like glue, inseparable." Sean proudly says as he looks over at Kaycee as she nods back, agreeing fully with his statement.

"Goodness, I don't think you know what friendship is. Y'all are like more than friends, you know that? You act and sound like one." Bailey winks and Kaycee blushes all the shades of pink.

She turns away and hides her face in Sean's shirt, not wanting to show any signs of her being flustered from that.

"Y'all are so cute, it's killing me inside that y'all aren't even dating yet." Kenneth groans.

"Sean, when are you gonna ask her out huh? I mean she is pretty and everything you can ask for really." Bailey nudges Sean gently on his arm.

Kaycee turns back around.

"Ahem." Kaycee clears her throat, making it clear to them that she was still around.

"You can really tell how much Sean likes Kaycee and Kaycee likes Sean. Like you guys would really make a great couple, trust me." Bailey smiles.

"BAILEY DREW SOK!" Sean and Kaycee yelled at her after her endless teasing and not being able to stand her for any longer.


Everyone in the school realised the once extremely introverted and quiet girl changed in a blink of an eye. The girl they had pictured in their minds were way different from the one they were looking at now.

As they all walked by the fresh duo, they all whispered and talk, yet the two did not realise all of their whispers were about them.

They two were both in their own world, living their best lives. They finally got recognition for what they love doing the most, and they were over the moon about it.

In their eyes, nothing much has changed. They just got relatively closer, nothing else. But in everyone else's eyes, it was obvious the way they had talked and interacted with each other changed.

More maintained eye contact, more physical contact, more lingering touches. To them, it was nothing. To others, it was seeing something brew between them.

They both were adding the ingredients to make the potion of love and brewing it without realising.

A guy would not just kiss a girl's forehead and think of it as a friendly kiss. Surely it meant something more to him. There was no doubt it that.

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