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"Kaycee?" Sean sat up and said.


"The reason I invited you over was to discuss about something very important."

"How important are we talking?" Kaycee slowly sits upright as well and looks at Sean, which she noticed no longer had a smile on his face.

"It could affect the rest of our lives. Like dead serious."

"I could tell by how you are looking at me right now."

He opened up the email of the online advertisement Julian has sent to him not long ago for the both of them to refer.

"World of Dance?" Kaycee tilts her head and questions, showing no idea of what it was all about and its significance.

"World of Dance is one of the largest dance competitions out there and you get to compete with people from around the world. You can do any genre of dance, it's up to you to decide. Once you're on the show, if you do well and one of the judges have a great impression of you, everyone is going to know you and remember you."

As Kaycee heard that, a chill went down her spine.

She saw herself, standing on stage. The atmosphere goes silent, but she knows there is an audience sitting below, waiting for her appearance. She can feel the stares from the darkness surrounding the place and she could hear their little chatters that they tried to keep down.

It was scary in general. She hated those school plays. Thankfully her teachers didn't force her to join them. Some of her quiet classmates had to join because they needed to be "more vocal". Which disgusted Kaycee a ton.

"Sean, I don't think I want to do this."

When he heard it, he was expecting that response, but his heart still dropped.

"Kaycee, I want to achieve more with you. You deserve so much more. I don't want to waste that talent in you."

"Sean. I hate the attention, you should know this by now, since you're my best friend."

"Best friend?"

"I regard you as my best friend, you are my pillar of support. All the time. And you are the only person who knows me inside out. You've seen almost every side of me by now from all the time we spend together."

"Kaycee, look. I just want the best for you. World of Dance is an amazing opportunity. It would be a waste to not try. I know it's going to be hard, but I will be with you, every step of the way."

Kaycee looks at him. And all that fear suddenly got suppressed by the comfort she found in his eyes.

"Sean, you promise to be with me as we do it together, every step of the way?"

"Kaycee, I never make empty promises."

Kaycee holds up her pinky finger.


Sean shook it with his.

"Of course. Promise with my heart."

"I trust you."


Sean walks her home as the clock strikes midnight. They were both getting tired from school.

"Thanks for walking me home." Kaycee smiles.

"Don't need to thank me, that is what a man should do."

"You're a child. Not even mature enough to be a man."

"Kaycee! How could you!" Sean pretends to pout.

"Anyways, good night. Don't let the bedbugs bite."

"Bye Shamu. I love you."

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