[12] denial

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#1 A/n: happy 1 million views to Two! it got the glory it finally deserved. :)

"Good morning!" Kaycee greets the both of them and they wave back in synchrony.

"Good morning, you seem very happy today, anything in particular made you feel this way this morning?" Sean's dad asked.

This morning, more of something that happened last night. She probably created the most and best moments of her life ever that night. There was no way that anything else could beat that.

"Manage to get ready in time today, usually I will be rushing and in a whole mess every morning." Kaycee lied, hoping that her little stutters would just pass as her still not being used to talking to an adult.

Thankfully, Sean's dad doesn't notice her stumbling and continues to talk about other stuff, including Sean along in the conversation as well.

Their car ride was a little more lively today and Sean had to get everything out to Kaycee before she changes her whole identity to her dull and emotionless self.


"So, I'll see you after school?" Sean asks as he helps Kaycee hold her bag while she puts on her hoodie.

"More like later in class. See ya shampoo." She sticks out her tongue at him, beamed at him one last time, touched his nose with her index finger, before walking down the corridor to class.

That little boop she did on him, he swore he thought his heart had jumped out of his chest. It definitely took him by surprise, knowing that it was the first time she had done that.

He knows that they have been growing closer and closer faster each day, even he was having a hard time catching up with the fast progress. It was so natural and smooth-sailing, it didn't seem tiring at all.

But that still gave him a little skip of a heartbeat.


Kenneth walks by Sean and smacks the back of his head to greet him.

"Morning bro! Someone seems extremely happy today?" Kenneth snickers, wondering if he had just got laid by a girl.

"Ken! Seriously? You never grow up, do you? Young at heart, but that doesn't mean you don't mature." Bailey scoffs at his childish behaviour and Kenneth sighs.

"Let this man have some fun alright? Having a little crush isn't bad, it just adds to the fun element of being a high schooler right?" Kenneth wraps his arm around Sean's shoulder and Sean stops in his tracks.

"Yeah, yeah. Not happening." Sean finally replies to him and Kenneth pouts like a child getting their candy stolen.

"Oh come on, take a look around school. I mean look at Hailey here. She looks smoking hot." Kenneth gestures Sean to the girl standing with her best friend and gossiping outside their locker.

"Yeah, how about no. She is not even close to my type." Sean quickly looks away and found himself staring through the window, which gives you a great view of their classroom.

Sean saw a girl, with those familiar soft gentle curls that follows through from top to bottom, eyes that were brown like pure honey and lips that were perfectly tinted. She was looking intensely at her book, waiting for her tablemate to arrive.

Kenneth snaps him out his thoughts by tugging him forward and showing him to another girl, who was once again not his type.

"Sean, you've got to pick someone by the end of this year. You can't stay single, that's just illegal, especially for someone so charming like you. That would be a waste for your looks." Kenneth exhales deeply as he doesn't seem to be able to land a girl of Sean's type.

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