[16] anxious

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A/n: happy new year everyone! welcome to 2022 :)

The school rang the final bell for the day, signalling that the school day was over for everyone.

Sean rushes to find Kaycee, who had already left because she didn't want to be seen around Sean until they reached their little meet up spot.

"So this is the girl who finally found a friend, and it's a boy." The school's queen bee snickers as she glides her hand around her jaw before lightly grabbing it.

"Look at me hun, that's right. This is what you did to me, so of course I need my sweet sweet revenge." She holds up the wrist Kaycee had injured a few days ago, before chuckling alongside her other friends.

Sean walks out of class and instantly stops in his track. He felt his fingernails dig into his palms as his fists grew tighter in anger.

Kaycee takes the chance to send him quick eye signals, asking him not to come. Sean was not having it, but she probably asked him not to for a reason.

"Bro, come let's stay in class." Kenneth pulls him back in the classroom.

"What the hell bro? She could get injured! I don't want to deal with all of that!" Sean quickly shakes Kenneth's hand off his shoulder and rushes to peek at the whole commotion from behind the door.

"Sean! She doesn't want you there for a reason. Listen to her for once. And it's not like you can defend yourselves from them." Kenneth tries to pull him away from the door.

"Ken! Let go of me please!" Sean yells at him and Kenneth sighs.

Julian walks in and notices what was happening, before slowly tugging Kenneth's hand off Sean's arm.

Sean was practically going to break down at any time. He felt his heart sink so deep down, he was trying so hard to force his tears back.

"Sean, she's going to be okay." Julian calmly reassures him.

Julian was Sean's childhood friend, so he knew why he was reacting like that. Usually school bullying would only end up with the victim getting injured, but it wasn't the case for all.

When they were younger and attending primary school, Sean had a girl best friend then. She had Kaycee's personality, cold and quiet. Her name was Aubrey. Aubrey Lucia Rey.

They were both really close and were neighbours, before her family moved away to another state.

All three of them, Aubrey, Julian and Sean would hang out together in Aubrey's treehouse that her father built in their backyard. It was not as massive as how you would imagine it to be, but it was extremely cosy. She would have a small rack of popcorn sitting in the corner of the treehouse, knowing Sean's popcorn addiction.

But behind all the happiness, she faced the worst every single school day. It was something not even Sean could defend her against. The bullies would constantly pick on her for the smallest things.

When the bullies get to lay their hands on her, she knew she just had to accept it. She had to accept the fact that this was going to be how she was going to survive primary school.

The final straw was pulled when she was about to head home. She walked out of class to wait for Sean at the foyer, but the bullies caught up and pushed her to the ground.

Sean saw everything as he walked out of class. The way the fist reached her nose and he watched as the blood dripped out of her nose. That blow she took to the stomach that caused her to vomit out even more blood.

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