[30] sweet

102 7 1

A/n: apologies for the late update! <3


"Kaycee?" Sean wakes her up.

Kaycee flips around to look for those familiar brown eyes.

You're the best thing that has happened to me, you know that right? Kaycee smiles.

Kaycee had a little fright when Sean suddenly smiled at her right after that sentence finished running through her mind.

She thought he had read her mind.

Sean Lew, how could be so talented yet so cute? You have looks of a movie star, yet be multi-talented at the same time? You're literally surreal to me Sean. You never fail to impress me every time. Kaycee could not come close to figuring out how she was so lucky to have a friend like him.

"Yeah?" Kaycee finally fully stirs awake and responds, as Sean had already been sitting up next to her, analysing their dance choreography so far.

"Looks like someone needed the nap more than I did." Sean giggles as he looks up from his laptop and faces a very groggy and sleepy Kaycee.

"I didn't mean to fall into a deep slumber Sean. And I can't control that." Kaycee sighs.

"Then could you explain why you kept calling my name during your sleep?" Sean raises an eyebrow and questions her.

Kaycee stops in her train of thoughts and her heart skips a beat. Did she accidentally sleep talk about him? She panicked internally, hoping to be able to craft a reason.

"I had a dream about us, just dancing to their choreography. Maybe I called your name to ask you to stop tickling me mercilessly." Kaycee pushes the blame to him and Sean laughs.

"You know I was just kidding about that, right? But hey, now I know you had a really good nap, you could even dream." Sean smiles and plays it off innocently.

And she just got caught red-handed. Fantastic.

"Seannnn." Kaycee pouts and Sean smiles and gently messes with her hair.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I'll pretend I didn't hear anything." Sean lifts his hands up to surrender.

"But you clearly heard something." Kaycee sighs.

As she finished her sentence, she noticed Sean's hands wander around her head and slowly tucks her hair into their rightful places. He then pushes her messy ruffled up hair from the front of her head away and kisses her forehead.

"There. All fixed." Sean's goofy little self appears and Kaycee had no choice but to forgive him.

Sean looks at Kaycee and he noticed that she still seemed a little sad, so he gave her one more forehead kiss.

"Sean." Kaycee pouts.


"You sneaky little rat, you know the way to my soft side."

"Oh totally didn't know that by now." Sean smiles and got out of bed, before lifting her up from her bed with his two mighty arms and carrying her down to the garage. He spins her around a few times as they walk down to the garage and she could not stop giggling.

"Weeeeee!" Kaycee screams, but only loud enough for them to hear, and quiet enough to not disturb the sleeping Oreo, who was all cuddled up and bundled in a jacket, as he slept on his dog bed, which said I'm not a cookie on the front.

(Sean's dad bought it to make it up to Oreo after that whole Oreo incident.)


"That was a nice run, but I think there were some parts that felt a little unnatural. Let me go again, I'll do my part only." Kaycee says, noticing Sean being very out of breath as they were trying out lifting.

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