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sean? wanna hangout?

Sean was laying flat on his stomach on his bed, watching some youtube videos when he got texts from the one and only, Ms Kaycee Rice.

i mean, since i have nothing up, i'm down.
where are we meeting?
and what are we doing?

Sean must have forgotten how indecisive Kaycee is. From which homework to start on first to which popcorn flavour should she get. Oh Sean Charles Lew, do you even know me? Why did you leave the planning part to me?

how about 5pm?
or is that too early?
perhaps we could do 6pm.
but we would have to be home at that time.
sounds good?

Sean giggles at her talking to herself. Of course, Kaycee was indecisive, like she always been since the first day he met her. Every girl he has meet has this same problem, but Kaycee's one sticks out. Hers is literally for every possible thing to debate about on earth. You may think that that isn't many, trust me.

i will walk to your house to bring you to mine.
shall we try to choreograph the dance for our auditions?

Auditions. Right. For World of Dance. Something she had been wanting to put off and place in the back of her head. But turns out, it would probably remain in the front part of her head.

The stage was her greatest nemesis. She hated it. Like it was a bad omen. Stepping on stage is basically impending doom for her.

uhm sure thing.
give me 15 minutes.
i need to sort out something real quick.

Kaycee closes their chat and starts to search up past competitors of World of Dance. Only talented people have step foot on that circular stage. They were flawless at their dancing, yet they hardly get perfect scores for it.

Imagine her and Sean. They were not even close to perfect. Rather, they were probably way further than they think they are. If those people can't get a good high score and are only scoring an average of 80.5, imagine what they would be getting. That would be embarrassing to show on national TV.

take your time!
it's not like we are in a rush or anything.
let me know when you're done :))

Kaycee stares at her notifications. Sean seems so excited for it, while she is here, predicting their doom. To Sean, this whole thing would be a career boost. But to Kaycee, this could end up in nothing but a whole mess. The bad image people would see you as. And trying to rise from being that would be tougher as compared to what she currently is right now.

She takes a deep breath in and exhales slowly. Kaycee checks the time and notices she had been walking in circles around her room with intrusive thoughts for the past 10 minutes. And she hasn't gotten changed yet.

Kaycee opens her closet, pulls out the first shirt and pair of pants she sees, and tugged it on. The pants were skin-tight, so it was a bad idea to choose them. There were sweatpants, which are way looser and easier to slip into.

She looks into the mirror and checks herself. Hair? Check. Shirt? Check. Pants? Check. Shoes? Check. Bag? Check.

Once Kaycee was contented of how she was going to present herself, she texted Sean as she put on her socks and slipped her feet into her shoes.

I'll be there in 2!
just wait for me outside the door.

She makes sure to grab her phone from the floor on her way out and gently shuts the door behind her, since her parents were finishing up their work upstairs.

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