[5] nostalgia

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"Bails, come on, we gotta go." Kenneth walked out of the garden while dragging the pouty little girl out.

"I wanted to take a few more pictures. Please, we could we just stay there for another 5 more minutes?" Bailey tries to persuade him with her puppy eyes but Kenneth did not give in.

"No means no Bailey. Come on, Sean and Kaycee are waiting for us." Kenneth sighed.

"Fine." Bailey crosses her arms and finally gave in, stomping out of the garden.

"Hey guys, sorry we made you wait." Kenneth headed towards the pair who seemed really bored after waiting for Bailey for around 20 minutes.

Sean let out a yawn and Kaycee was struggling to keep standing while she continued reading her book.

"Alright, let's head to some sort of restaurant to have some food and rest. Besides, I'm like starving. We did too much walking today." Kenneth suggests and since everyone didn't really have a plan in mind so they just went with it.

Bailey called an Uber for them since she was the one who made everyone wait and have sore feet. It was her way to apologise and make it up to them.

They arrived at a yoghurt place, many great reviews based on google. It was a good four stars and it was situated right in the middle of where everyone lived, making it extremely convenient for everyone to head home from there.

"Grape yoghurt fans anyone?" Sean asked and Bailey waves vigorously.

"Me! Me! They have it here?" Bailey asked as she placed a spoon in her mouth after trying out a sample.

"Mhm. Come on, get yourself a cup, let's get some." Sean ushered Bailey to where the cups where and Bailey rushed over like a little kid in a candy store.

Kaycee took a good look around the place. What everyone didn't know was that this was the place Devon would bring her to, in secret. Her parents didn't know about it, since they did not permit her to have anything of such. Devon was allowed because he was starting to earn his own money, so he could spend it on anything he wanted.

They would come here when Devon would pick her from their house after work to play with her friends. But right after, they would have their little yoghurt dates here before heading home.

She loved the strawberry yoghurt with gummies combination. It was nostalgic to her.

As she took a cup, she remembered how Devon would take one for her instead since she was way too short back then to reach for one.

They would then walk down the row of yoghurt machines, trying to search for the one labelled as "strawberry". Kaycee did the same thing, she glaced around for the one that was strawberry-flavoured.

She could even close her eyes and still be able to find it. That's how many times they came here. It was until the point she remembered how many steps she would take to reach the machine and how many seconds it took for the yoghurt to fill up the whole cup, no matter the size of the cup. It was all muscle memory to her.

"Kaycee, did you see the lychee-flavoured yoghurt?" Kenneth asked and she immediately pointed at the second last machine from the right, which she then saw Kenneth mouth her a 'thanks', meaning that she got it.

Everything was still the same, even after so many years.

As she watched the yoghurt swirl in her cup from the machine, her eyes were slowly brimming with tears.

She felt as though there was another pair of hands around hers, guiding her as the yoghurt poured out to ensure that it all stayed in the cup.

"Little sis, make sure you get every swirl in the cup. We don't wanna have sticky hands in the end now." She heard her older brother say.

"I won't, watch me! I can do it! I'm a big girl." Little Kaycee excited grabs the cup and controls it on her own, while her proud brother stared at her, smiling away.

"I won't, watch me. I can do it. I'm a big girl." Kaycee mumbled under her breath and she was holding in her tears so hard. Her nose was starting to feel a little constricted and she knew her tears were about to fall any moment.

While her attention was focused on keeping her tears in, she felt something cold roll onto her hand.

Ah. The yoghurt got all over.

"Devon, I need help." Little Kaycee sighed as she tried to lick off all the yoghurt from her hand, before running to the sink nearby.

"I told you, you silly little girl. Once you're older and a little taller, I'll let you try and do it by yourself okay? For now, I shall do it for you." Devon giggles at her foolishness.

Kaycee returns with a nod and Devon gently plants a kiss on the top of her head, before they both headed to the counter.

"Devon, I need help." Kaycee repeated to herself, before cleaning up and doing a proper job with the yoghurt.

She felt the pair of warm arms around her hands again, guiding her as she swirled the cup. This time, the warmth lingered until she filled the cup perfectly with yoghurt.

"Thanks Devon." She mentally thanked him before heading over to the counter to add her toppings and paying.

As she sat down with everyone, she realised everyone seemed so joyful and happy, while she was the only one at the brim of tears and have the urge to cry anytime.

After she finished her yoghurt, she quickly headed to the restroom and locked herself in a cubicle.

Who did this to you Devon? Who did all this horrible and mean things to you? Why do cigarettes exist? Why must you be the one to suffer all the pain? Why couldn't it be me? I would suffer all the pain for you, just so that you would still be alive now. All I want is for you to be there to see me grow and we both can grow together.

At least be at my wedding day. We could have a dance together, just you and I, under the stars and following the beat of the music as we close our eyes and immerse ourselves. I want to do all of that with you. I want to watch you find the love of your life and be a happy person. You didn't even manage to propose to your girlfriend. I would have loved for her to be our family's sister-in-law. She was so humble and sweet. It hurt for me to watch her break down during your funeral. She was in so much pain, nothing seemed to be able to comfort her except you.

I hope heaven has been serving you well, all of us, mom, dad and Kylie miss you. Even Kino. Our family hasn't been the same without you. You brought so much joy to us, no matter how tiring your day was.

I miss you Devon, but I have yet to come in terms with your passing. Please forgive your silly little sister, I'm just not good at accepting. I love you big bro, always.

I grab a few tissues and wipe my tears. I was balling my eyes out at this point, but it was a much needed one.

Yoghurt dates without you will never feel the same, ever.

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