[2] past

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A/n: Kaycee's birthday special update! Hope you enjoy this early chapter! :)

Kaycee walks up the stairs and passes by the room she dreaded to enter ever since a few months ago. The door was always left closed but slightly ajar, allowing her to peek a little and take a look inside.

The memories flooded back instantly and she fell onto her knees, her tears suddenly rolling down her cheeks non-stop.

"Devon! Mom refuses to bring me to the playground. I wanna go and see my friends there. This isn't fair at all. Just because I didn't put away my toys properly, doesn't mean she can make me stay at home for the whole evening." Kaycee pouted and her brother slowly walked to the door of his room. He bent down and gave his little sister and tight hug.

Kaycee was so mad until she found it hard to keep her emotions in for long. Her tears started to fall as she hugged her older brother tighter.

"It's okay, how about you stay with me? We can play hide and seek around the house instead. Sounds good?" He suggested and Kaycee instantly agreed to the idea.

"Okay!" Kaycee eyebrows no longer were narrowed and they started to relax. Her tears stopped and she lifted up her chin, telling her brother that she was feeling better.

"You hide first!" Devon placed his homework aside and went to a corner in his room.

Kaycee dashes out of his room and tries to find a place to hide, while Devon started counting down from 20.

"3,2,1. Ready or not, here I come. Tickle monster is coming to hunt for you." He shouted and started looking around the house for a little angel.

As he approached the living room, he noticed a cupboard door was not fully closed.

"Gotcha!" Devon exclaimed as he opened to cupboard door and revealed his little sister.

"Aww man, my turn, my turn!" Kaycee got out of her crammed hiding spot and started counting from 20.

They spent the whole evening playing hide and seek, but little did they know, after a few years later, Devon was not gonna live as long as anyone had expected.

Things took a sudden turn of events when Devon was sent home from school after complaining that he was constantly feeling breathless in school. The school nurse thought maybe he was just not feeling well. But it did not end there.

The next day, it got worse. Devon's face turned blue in the middle of the night. His lungs could not inflate properly and he was struggling to breathe.

His parents quickly called an ambulance to come and he was then sent to the hospital for tests.

Turns out, he had Stage 3 lung cancer. His parents suspected it was because many adults were around their school compound smoking boxes after boxes of cigarettes, causing him to constantly be exposed to second-hand smoke.

He was being observed for over a week, until even more devastating news was shared.

"Mr and Mrs Rice?" The doctor called.

"Yes doctor?"

"I would like to see you two personally."

They all walk into the doctor's office and they settle down.

"Your son's condition has not gotten any better. Rather, it has gotten significantly worse than last week. I'm sorry to inform you, but he now has Stage 4 lung cancer."

They were both in tears and in shock. They didn't know what to do, what to say or how to act. They were in confusion and completely lost.

"We will try our best to see if he is able to recover. Don't worry." The doctor reassures them and they all leave, with his parents breaking down, not even taking a step out of the doctor's office.

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