[9] potential

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"Class, you are dismissed." Their teacher, Ms Jenna, for the last period of the day, chemistry, announced. Everyone rushed to pack their bags and push in their chairs, causing the place to sound like chaos.

The screeching of the chairs, the clinging of the chair legs against the table legs, the shouting of those who unfortunately got their leg stuck between and the shrieking of others who were excited to head home.

Bailey and Kenneth headed back first, since their body battery level was literally looking like a 0 out of 100, super flat. They were walking out of the class like zombies, they were dying internally while trying to understand whatever our chemistry teacher just taught us. It was a steep learning curve for everyone, but they were way behind.

Sean rushed over to his and Kaycee's little corner. He noticed her waiting for him there already and giving him her widest smile. Sean greets back with his beaming dimples and unlocks his phone to call his dad.

After that incident, he was not looking for any extra mishap with the mean girls and Kaycee after school. It is even more dangerous if it happens after school and worse of all, outside the school compounds, where no one is watching.

After a long wait, his dad finally arrives in his car at the foyer. They both rush to hop on in and they both greeted him.

Although Sean's dad was busy with his jobs, but he always made sure to make time during his short lunch break to fetch them from school.

Not only that, Sean's dad gets to work from home recently as instructed by his company and he is not complaining about it. It just meant that he could spend more time with his son.

"Since there isn't much going on today for me, Kaycee, do you want to come over to our place to study with Sean?" Sean's dad asked.

Sean froze. He wanted the both of them to study together? They would be like sitting really close and doing the assignment together. The thought of it made Sean blush. He had never sat so closely next to a friend, who is a girl, before. Literally never in his life. He gets flustered around them easily, because he doesn't know how to react.

Of course he doesn't react like that around his family, but with people who don't share the same blood, it just feels weird and somehow a little wrong for him.

"I should be free, anyways my parents aren't going to be home early today, so being alone at home wouldn't be a good idea either. I'll let them know I'll stay at your place till they pick me up." Kaycee said while texting her parents on her phone.

"Great! I'm sure Sean will be able to focus more on his work instead of constantly being distracted by his computer games." Sean's dad flashes his son an evil smile and Sean sighs.

He just exposed him right in front of Kaycee, what could get more embarrassing than this?

"Don't worry uncle, I'll make sure he gets his work done before he can start thinking about his computer games." Kaycee looks over at Sean and giggles.

"Yes..." Sean replied, and he wasn't bumped about it at all. Not even a chance.


The drive to Sean's house was extremely awkward, with Sean not knowing what to do or say to either one of them.

"You walked into the room and now my heart has been stolen."

Sean's ears perk up and listened carefully to the lyrics. The starting line, the beat, the way it made his body feel, it had potential to be something, more.

"You took me back in time to when I was unbroken."

The sound of the guitar string which matched every beat was perfect. Sean closed his eyes and immersed himself into the music.

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