[24] look

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A/n: happy two-sday! 26/2 :)

They both start class and it was the first time that they were comfortable letting everyone know that they were best friends. They didn't need to hide it, because they knew nothing could stop them now. Negativity? Nah. Nasty comments? Shoo. Disgusted faces? Screw off.

It was kind of hard for the both of them to try to talk and hold a normal conversation in class, knowing that it was not the usual for them. They could talk out of class because it was normal for them, but in class, it was a whole new thing.

Kaycee still has her hood over her head, to continue showing that quiet and secluded side of her.

Sean looks over to Kaycee, hoping to catch her attention. He stares hopelessly towards her direction, since her hood had blocked her from seeing Sean, which was not what she intended to do.

He wanted to start a conversation, but he found it hard to keep eye contact. Every time they made eye contact though, he felt his heart rush and his words stuck in his throat.

His heart, he didn't know was beating faster because of unfamiliarity, or the fact that he had started developing feelings for her. Unfamiliarity made his heart beat faster because it felt like a fight or flight situation. In case the person he was talking to was a bad person or someone that he had been talking to via texts and it was their first time changing to face to face conversations.

But he knew it was probably more of unfamiliarity, because whenever they both managed to hold a conversation, the once hardworking heart slows down to a normal rate. It was as though his body told his brain that it was just his best friend and not a stranger.

From a far though, he could feel his heart beat so quick, nervous and planning on what to do if she turns around. He doesn't want to look like an idiot, although he has acted like one in front of her out of class too many times for sure. But something about impressing her was necessary. And especially in a setting with many people around.

He wanted to show dominance around his girl. Well, more like his best friend. No one messes with her, or they are going to be having one of his punches in their face without hesitation.

"Alright class, you will be needing a partner for the next activity. Get yourselves into pairs, now."

Sean looks over at Kaycee and when her eyes met his, he felt his body shiver a little from nervousness.

"Wanna be partners?" Kaycee asks.

And he literally felt his heart slow down. It was as though the walls had came down and telling him that the person behind the wall was not an enemy but a ally.

He smiled to himself, realising he wasn't developing feelings as fast as he thought he would. He was grateful his mind was taking its time to decide. Indecisiveness finally worked in his favour.

"Of course."

Kaycee moved her chair closer to his and they both shared Sean's table.

"The class is so boring." Sean tries to kick start a conversation.

"I know right. Honestly don't know how in the world I even made it through half of the lesson."

"You're crazy. I'm falling asleep already over here."

"Don't get caught, you sit in the middle of class, you're not in the clear unless you sit at the very back."

"Yeah I know, I've been doing the one eye open and one eye close thing. It's working out so far, since I haven't been called to stand outside yet."

"Keep it down! Jeez. You're going to get yourself in trouble if you keep using the same volume to speak about such stuff."

"Close call. She was literally behind me. Thank goodness she didn't catch any of our conversation."

van der waals ✔ | seaycee (sean and kaycee)Where stories live. Discover now