[40] changes

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A/n: filler chapter, hence why this chapter is really short!


"Welcome to the award ceremony for the Dance Choreography Awards 2030! To all guests, please be at your seats as soon as possible to ensure that we can start on time. Thank you!"

Kaycee sits down, straightening out her dress and then turns to look over at Juan.

"Honey, would you mind helping me fix my tie? It's kinda wonky." Juan points at his tie, that has started moving to one side.

She gently pulls it over to the middle and readjusts it, not too loose and not too tight. Just right.

Kaycee suddenly had the urge to use the restroom and excuses herself to do so quickly. She heads out through a narrow pathway between the tables and made a beeline for them.


She turns around, to be greeted with a man taller than she remembered him to be. She smiles as she recalls his name.


Not a question. Just a statement. That was all it took for her to rush into his arms and give him a nice tight hug.

"How have you been, Ricebowl? You look amazing for tonight, wow."

Ricebowl. And he said it in the same way he said it a few years ago. It felt like they were both back living on that same street and going to each other's houses to spend the night with, in each other's garages. Dancing till the sunrise, or until they could no longer keep themselves awake no more.

"I've been great. How about you Shamu? How's you and your biological family coming along?"

Shamu. That familiar nickname suddenly made Sean feel all those butterflies once more. But it felt wrong at the same time, knowing the two had already moved on from their messy break up.

"Lovely. Sarah and Serris are so fun to be with. You never told me having siblings was fun. Only heard you complain about them."

"Okay, okay. Maybe I didn't tell you the benefits simply because my sister is always being so annoying." Kaycee rolls her eyes.


"Kaycee! Are you engaged? Holy crap." Sean notices the big shiny rock on her ring finger and she smiles.

"Yeah. I've been dating this guy for four years now, he's amazing. And coming soon, we will have our big day. Perhaps you wanna come?"

"I wouldn't miss my childhood best friend's wedding, right? No matter what we were in the past, there is no way I'm going to miss it. I'll be there. Send me the invitation card to my mailbox. I'll send you the address later."

"Of course. I'll see you later perhaps?"

"I don't think I can. I'll be hanging out with my girlfriend after this."


"Yeah. She's two years younger, we've been going out for two years now."

"Intending to propose soon?"

"Really have mixed feelings about it. She has like two separate personalities. One that I love and one that I hate."

"Who is she though?"

"My current dance partner, Emmy."

Kaycee's heart broke a little at his mention of a new dance partner. She used to be the one who filled that spot and she did not expect him to change it that fast.

"Emmy, hmm. I don't think I've heard of her."

"You could check out my instagram later. I've posted a picture of us during Valentine's Day."


"See ya around Ricebowl."

"See ya around Shamu."

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