[20] talks

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"Sean?" Kaycee knocked.

The tone of her voice, something seemed a little off-putting. She didn't sound like that chirpy version that Sean knew all along. It sounded serious.

He flushed the toilet, got his hands cleaned and opened the door.

"What is it that you want to tell me?" Sean questions, with a little bit of tension still heard in his voice.

He knew that he still had to talk to her and hear her out regardless. They had a dance duo going on together, they were going to school together, so many things that require them being together as a pair.

If they gave up on this whole thing, it would be so wasteful. They both poured in their hearts and souls, especially establishing trust between them. It's never easy, they had to start from scratch and build it up from there. It was trying to speed build a skyscraper that was still sturdy enough to be one.

"Sean, could I talk to you in private for a bit?" Kaycee requests.



As they closed the door to the garage behind them, they both sat down in the middle of the large room and Sean was confused.

"Kaycee, what are we doing here?"

"Sean, I'm sorry. I was just worried when I told you whatever I said in the morning just before school started."

"Kaycee, you know I would do anything to keep you safe. I just, don't want to be another witness of something horrible."

Kaycee instantly knew what he meant. It was about Aubrey's death. She kneels down and leans closer to Sean, before giving him a side hug.

"Kaycee?" Sean felt his heart warm up and his eyes starting to tear.

"Yes Sean?"

"Stay right here. I like this hug. I haven't had a friend hug me like that in ages. She was the last one who gave me such a hug."

Kaycee heard his little sniffles, which he had tried hard to keep from Kaycee. But he couldn't help it. It was overwhelming him. It was sadness mixed with a strong sense of guilt and shame. He could have been there to save her. But that one decision of his costed him to watch someone he adored a lot lose their life.

"Sean, I'll promise to be here for you and to stay with you. Don't worry, I won't leave your side anymore. I'll walk with you to class if that makes you feel more at ease." Kaycee holds out her pinky finger.

Sean knows she never made empty promises, she was a man of her words. He looked up, with his red puffy eyes, held out his slighty shaky pinky finger and shook on it.

"Now Shamu stop crying now. Shall we have a go at the choreography?"

Sean found himself leaned towards Kaycee and once more, planted a forehead kiss.

"Take that as a thank you from me."

He was addicted to giving her forehead kisses. It was something he would feel regretful of if he didn't do it for a day. Forehead kisses were a sign to tell her that he was always grateful for her and will always be proud of who she is now and who she will be tomorrow.

Kaycee felt flustered from the sudden affection from him again. It wasn't something that her friends did, not even her best friends who are girls. They never shared any kisses or even bear hugs, but with Sean, all those existed as part of the friendship list.

When she spotted Sean scrolling through his laptop to find the song from Spotify, she rushed over and gave him a strong hug from the back.

"I love you." She said, her voice muffled as her face was planted into his back.

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