[22] start

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"Wait, you're saying, there is a new season for the dance competition?" Sean freaked out over the phone.

"I'm not playing, I'm being dead serious right now. Literally. And I think it's a good one to try out for you and Kaycee." Julian replies over the phone.

"Julian! That's crazy. But I'm not sure if she wants to join it with me. I want to do this whole competition with me. Without her, I don't think I can do this all together." Sean sighs.

"I'm sure with a little bit of persuasion, she would be fine with this whole idea."

"But she's that shy girl. She hates the spotlight. She hates the overwhelming attention on her. She hates the stares. But I need her to do this with me."

"Why can't you do it alone?"

"I just..."


"I don't want to be achieving all these without her. She's a big part of my life and has been while I do what I enjoy most, which is dancing. She is my pillar of support basically, she cheers and encourages me on. She is one of a kind. Why would I want to do this without her? She deserves the credit for whatever she has given me."

"Sean, don't worry. It may take some time for her to open up to the idea, but I'm sure she will be willing to do it with you. Take your time, no rush anyways. Submission deadline is in 2 months time."

"2 months is not a lot of time Julian, you have to understand. To choreograph a piece for the audition and to convince her, that's not a lot of time."

"Sean, you're overthinking all of it again. Bro, it's enough time. Don't worry. Trust me, take your time. One step at a time. Don't rush the process. That's the worst thing you can do right now."

"Julian, I get it. But what if she doesn't agree? What if all of this has to be scraped last minute?"


Sean realises what his was mumbling about and stops. He knew he was not making Julian happy with all this nonsensical ranting he was telling him.

"Fine Julian. Yes. I will try it out first then think of Plan B."

"That's my brother."

"See ya?"

"See ya."

It was the next day, after school. Kaycee was coming over later on because she was going to celebrate her mom's birthday first.

Kaycee slides open her phone and checks her messages from Sean.

i miss you.
cant wait for you to come over later.
its so boring here.
dad's busy, oreo is sleeping.

Kaycee laughs at his little fit. He was like a child waiting for his parents to come home from work when it's not time for their dismissal yet.

dont worry. i think we are ending soon.
my mom is also feeling very tired from work, so she is probably going to shorten the celebration and head to bed.
let me get her warm bath ready before going over just so she is all nice and cosy?

Sean read her messages and smiles. She was so sweet and family orientated. Never forgetting that her mom deserves just as much, or a little more love. He personally hasn't seen that side of her in person, but it must be such a cute and sweet mother and daughter moment.

dont worry, take your time.
let mama rice enjoy her birthday.
she deserves it.

What Kaycee didn't know, Sean was getting ready a bouquet of fresh roses for her mom on this special day.

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