[11] contact

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They were off from school and Sean's dad had picked them up from school back home for them to start their choreography. Thankfully, the teachers were extremely nice today and did not give out any homework.

"Shamu! Come on, I wanna watch you dance." Kaycee whines as Sean hesitated to start the music.

Sean was genuinely nervous dancing around her. He knew that dancing wasn't really popular amongst guys and guys who danced were stereotyped as "gay", which of course, he wasn't.

He hated how the society portrayed the idea of men dancing. Men must be sporty and do soccer and stuff and they should not even be doing the stuff girls would typically go for. He hated that. He wanted to prove them wrong.

But his mom made him feel that he was wrong about thinking that way. It made him scared to dance in front of an audience. He was worried about those who would think the same way as how his mom did. He didn't want the unnecessary commotion.

"Shamu, pleaseeeeeeeeee." Kaycee pleads and even starts to hug his leg tightly, tugging it a little closer to the middle of the dance studio.

"Fine, fine. But let's make a deal. If I dance this routine for you, you will have to be my partner for this dance." Sean cheekily smiles at the little girl, who pouted.

"You've got a deal. Now go, take it away." Kaycee instantly says yes, she wanted to see how he danced so gracefully once more. He was way more graceful and expressive than she was.

Sean dances his piece and as he pauses at the part he stopped choreographing at, Kaycee claps excitedly and eagerly, exclaiming with joy.

"That was amazing Shamu." She stands up from where she was sitting down and gives him a side hug.

"T-thanks." Sean blushes a little as he notices the distance between them had become way lesser, and also way lesser than what he could handle.

"Here, have some water and we can start choreographing." Kaycee passes him his water bottle from the corner of his dance studio as the tired boy plop himself next to where Kaycee had originally sat.


"5, 6, 7, 8." Sean counts as they both return to position to try that move again.

"Cause a light came on when I heard that song and I want you to sing it again."

He gently grabs her hand and pulls her into a spin, before letting her fall into his arms gracefully. They both end up in a back hug kind of position. Suddenly, Sean heard sniffles from Kaycee.

"Kaycee, did I hurt you somewhere? Oh my god, I'm sorry. Are you alright?" Sean asks in concern.

The girl looks up to stare at Sean, before squirming out of his embrace.

Kaycee started getting deja-vu. She started imagining Devon hugging her from behind when they were playing hide and seek. Devon knew that she was small-sized, so she could be easily crushed by him.

So in order to prevent her from being squashed, he would always gently grab her from the back and hug her tight to let her know she had been caught.

The way Sean was holding her reminded her so much of her brother. She was still griefing over the loss of someone so close to her, she knows that it would be impossible to let go.

"It's not you, it's me. Sorry, I need a moment." Kaycee uses her sleeves to dry up her tears. She walks off to the corner of the dance studio and squats.

Sean pauses the music and grabs a few tissues for her. She gladly takes them and dries up her tears. She was overwhelmed, Sean could see it in her eyes.

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