Sheriff Of Nottingham

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George was your older brothers best friend and you always fancied him. Even from the time you were a small child. He was so dashing and charming. He always made it a point to flirt with you when your brother wasn't around. When you got a little older you begged your brother to let you play with him George and the other boys considering your were the only girl around your home. Your brother was reluctant but George talked him into letting you hangout with them.

Years later George became the Sheriff of Nottingham under some very suspicious circumstances and as a result of that your father stopped allowing you and your brother to see him. The only time you could see him was at social events. You being wealthy and George being the Sheriff you had to attend many parties together. However your brother and George found ways to still hangout and George always insisted your brother bring you a long. You would sneak to the woods by your house or George would bring you to the castle. Sometimes George would send a horse for just you and your spend the evening together. You both loved each other but neither of you had the courage to tell the other. Your brother of course noticed the feelings you and George had for each other and was now working on getting you together behind your parents backs and it worked. Your brother had been helping you and George sneak around for months now. Sadly your parents decided to marry you off to the rich noble Locksley much to your dismay. You loved George and you didn't want anyone else.

It was now the day before your wedding and your father held a party to celebrate. Your brother invited George for one last attempt to get you to agree to leave with George. He knew you'd never be happy with Robin or anyone else. Your heart belonged to George and your brother knew it. The party had started hours ago and George had just showed up. He greeted your mother and father then quickly found you and pulled you onto the dance floor.

"You look as ravishing as ever." He greeted putting his hand on your waist.

"And you, handsome as always." You grinned. George quickly spotted your betrothed and danced the other direction. "He's going to be my husband George, you can't deny it anymore than I." You frowned at the thought.

"I could have him arrested." He muttered.

"Even if you did my father would never let us marry." You sighed.

"I love you. That has to mean something." George argued.

"And I love you but sadly that means nothing to my father. Even my brother has tried to reason with him."

"Then come away with me." He interrupted.

"Robin loves me George he will search for me." You tried to reason.

"I live in the most highly guarded castle in Nottingham. Locksley doesn't scare me... Living without you does. Come back to the castle with me. I could have a gown for you by morning and we will be married by evening. I have loved you since we were children." He confessed.

"Yes but Robi-"

"If you want Locksley I'll leave. If that is truly what you want. If he will make you happy I will leave you never have to see me again.... But if you want me to stay, then stay with me forever. Be my wife, have my children, raise them with me and grow old with me."

"I want you but how would we get away, my father's been watching us like a hawk since you arrived." You motioned with your eyes towards your father and Locksely.

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