Severus Snape part 2

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Y/N!”  Your eye’s were too fuzzy to make out an actual face, all you saw was the red hair and green eyes. You felt them tapping lightly on your cheek trying to keep you awake.  

“Y/N stay awake I.  JAMES!”  She yelled.  The only person who looked like that was Lily and once she called for James you knew it was her.  You and Lily were friends, even after the whole ordeal with her and Severus.  James came running into your dorm room along with his entire posy.  

“Oh my God.”  James whispered.  The blood was everywhere, dripping down your arms onto the carpet, on the bed sheets, the nightstand.

“Help me!”  Lily shrieked trying to lift you.  James was quickly shaken from his shocked state and picked you up, carrying you to the hospital wing.  Remus and Sirius ran ahead of them, Sirius yelling for students to move out of the way and Remus to tell Madam Pomfrey what was going on.  Madam Pomfrey was waiting next to the first bed in the hospital wing waiting for James to get you there.  Once James set you down on the hospital bed Madam Pomfrey got to work, casting spell after spell healing your wrists while she had Remus go into her medicine pantry to get you a potion that would help replenish your body with the blood you lost.  

Professor Slughorn and Professor McGonagall were searching your room. They found your note and the razor you used. McGonagalll felt sick. She admired you as a student and she couldn't believe you'd do this to yourself. She quickly discarded the razor while Slughorn took the note madam Pomfrey. She would have to log this in as a suicide attempt. 

Everyone was worried sick. It was a waiting game now. No one knew if Lily had found you in time for the spells and potions to work. You just laid there unconscious for hours until Lily couldn't take it anymore. She left your room and went to find Severus. She found him in the Slytherin common room moping around. His eyes were red and swollen like he's been crying for hours.

"Why did you do it? You ruined her!" Lily yelled at him as she hit his chest.

"I'm not in the mood Lily. I did nothing. It was a misunderstanding. Once she calms down I can tell her the truth."

"She could die Severus! We don't know yet if she'll wake up!" She cried, still hitting his chest.

"What are you talking about?" Severus asked. He had no idea what she was going on about.

"She tried to kill herself, Severus. She's in the hospital wing. We don't know if she'll make it." Lily sobbed, finally letting go of his chest.  "You didn't know?"

"Of course I didn't know! Do you really think I'd be in here sulking had I known the person that I love the most was sitting in the hospital!?" He yelled back at her.

"Don't yell at me.  You did this, you used her!"

"No, I didn't, she misunderstood what I had said. She didn't get the whole story! She doesn't know the truth!" Severus screamed as he pushed past her and ran to the hospital wing.

As soon as he entered Sirius and Remus were standing in front of you. They didn't want him near you. This was his fault.

"This was low Snivellus. She trusted you even after what you did to Lily." Remus spoke first.

"This is none of your business." Severus pushed past them. The arguing continued. It was so loud it eventually woke you up. Your eyes struggled to open; they felt so heavy. Your throat was dry as nails and you felt weak. You saw Severus, James, Remus and Sirius yelling at each other.

"S-stop." Your voice came out as a whisper. They didn't hear you. You reached up a grabbed Severus' wrist. "Stop, f-fighting." You begged them.

"Y/N, love. Why? How could you do this to yourself?" Severus' voice shivered as he looked at you.

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