Metatron Pt.2

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"If this is your idea of a sick joke then you succeeded.” Metatron seethed as he approached God. 

“I don’t follow.” He replied, turning to Met with his hands clasped behind his back.  

“Y/N, first you put her in my path, then she gives me her number and then you have me fall in love with her. Why? What good can come of this? I have a date with her tonight. What am I supposed to say to her when she asks about my job, my life? And if she falls in love with me? What’s your plan then? The last thing I want is to hurt her but you put me in a position where that’s the only thing I can do.” Metatron was growing impatient.  

“When will you learn there is a reason for everything I do.”

“Oh I’m sorry but last time I checked I’m still an angel, I still can’t have children or.”  

“Who said that? Tell me Ezekial have you ever read the story of Beauty and the Beast? Not the dark and scary one, the Disney one.”  

“Yes, what does that have to do with anything?”  Metatron pinched the bridge of his nose irritably.  

“At the end of the story Belles' love turns the beast human. You have been a loyal servant of mine for a long time Ezekial. You have always done what I asked even if you didn’t agree with it. You had to tell my son what I expected him to do, tell that little boy he was destined to die. I know you didn’t agree with it, I know you thought it was unfair but you did it anyway. You have been a good friend, now it’s time for me to repay you. If Y/N confesses her love for you within the next month I will make you human and you can do whatever you want with that life.”  Metatron just gaped at him. 

“And what will happen to me after I die?” 

“You can either resume your position as Metatron, or you can live in paradise with your wife.”  The hints were clear, God knew you would confess your feelings for Ezekial but he wanted to make it feel like it was a task. “So are you going to take the offer?” 

“I have feelings for her, and you know that. I want the chance to have a life with her.”  He confessed.  

“Then I believe you have a date to get ready for.”  God returned to watching down on people.  

Met had one outfit that he wore all the time, it’s not like he got dirty or sweaty he was an angel afterall. So he went to the store and got a more appropriate outfit for your date tonight.  Luckily Met had a bank account with some money and since that money was sitting for so long it added interest to it. So that money has more than doubled since the last time he touched it so he had more than enough money for a new outfit and to pay for your dinner tonight.  There was at least half a million dollars in that account by now. 

He was taking you to a nice restaurant, not very fancy but a little fancier than just your everyday restaurant. Going to the store Met bought himself a black dress shirt and a pair of black dress pants. That night he arrived at the restaurant early to wait for you, he was nervous. He hadn’t been on a date in centuries. Once he saw your car pull up he went around to your door and opened it for you.  You stepped out wearing a nice light blue sundress since it was warm out tonight.  You took his arm and he walked you to the restaurant. 

“You look stunning Y/N, absolutely breathtaking.”  He took both your hands in his and turned to face you, completely taking you in. 

“And you look extremely handsome.” You reached up and caressed his cheek.  He leaned into the contact. He couldn’t remember the last time he was this close to someone romantically. 

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