Alexander Dane🍋

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"If I have to say that stupid line one more time I'm going to lose my mind!" Alexander exclaimed coming home from another of his panels. He did this every time he had to go. He came home complaining about the show, the fans and most of all Jason.

"Well good evening to you too Mr Dane." You muttered, not even bothering to look up from your book.

"I played Richard the 3rd." He complained. You rolled your eyes.

"Alex!" You yelled, pulling him from his rant. "Must we do this every time you go to a panel? It's the same rant every time. You rant about the show, and Jason, No offence but It's exhausting to listen to. Don't you get exhausted repeating it every time?"

"Oh, I'm sorry my unhappiness is inconvenient for you." He snarled.

"Now you know that's not what I mean. This is not mentally healthy for you so please just stop. Listen I'll make whatever you want for dinner, but can we please just have a peaceful night?"

"I know I'm sorry. Can we get this thing off my head first?" He lowered his head, knowing he wasn't being fair to you.

"Yes darling, come over and sit down and we'll get it off." You pulled a chair in front of you. Letting him sit. You stood behind him to get the best angle to get this stupid hair piece off without causing him too much pain. "Sit down Alien boy." You teased him. He rolled his eyes and sat down in front of you.

"Still find the head piece attractive?" He asked, recalling your first encounter of him with it on. He didn't get to take it off that night.

"Oh incredibly. If I had my way it would be permanently glued to your head. However I do like your hair because it gives me something to hold onto." You whispered the last part in his ear. You lifted part of the headpiece off and started putting conditioner on his head and hair so getting the rest of the headpiece off so it didn't hurt so much.

"Crazy women." He muttered to himself but loud enough for you to hear.

"I'm not the one sitting here with half an Alien head wearing a onesie." You commented, pulling the rest of the headpiece off.

"Ha, ha, very funny." He said sarcastically.

"I thought it was."

"Of course you do."

"Come on, I'll wash the conditioner out of your hair then we can wash it." You said taking his hand and leading him to the bathroom like a child. "Do you want to take a shower now or would you rather just wash the conditioner out and figure out what you want for dinner?"

"I think I'll shower first. I'm all sweaty." He said, starting to unzip his suit.

"Okay, I'll be in the kitchen then." You kissed his nose and went to leave but his hand on your waist stopped you.

"Shower with me, it's been a while since the last time." He gave you those little puppy dog eyes.

"You cheat with those eyes." You huffed beginning to take off your clothes

"Mm,. don't act like you don't want this Mrs Dane." He moved you both into the shower, letting the warm water wet both your bodies. He stands behind you and starts leaving hickey after hickey on your neck. He kept sucking on your neck while his hand went to your breast groping it and pinching your nipple.

"Mmm, Alex." You moaned.

"What do you want, princess? Hm? Do you want me to fuck you? Want me to make you feel good?" He reached his hand down your wet body to stroke your folds.

"Yes Alex, I want you to fuck me." You whined, reaching behind you to stroke his erect cock.

"Mmm, I didn't give you permission to touch baby girl." He pulled your hand away and spun you to face him.

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