Lionel Shabandar PT.2

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Lionel took you out to dinner that night and it was amazing.  Of course it was expensive, Lionel wouldn’t let your first date be anything casual.  He took you out beforehand and let you pick a dress which he found a suit to match.  As promised he let you pay the tip and then took you both home.  It was nice to have someone live with you even if it was just for a month or so.  The cafe would be up and running in a little over a month around when your collar bone would be healed.  You had been having nightmares since the incident and Lionel was always there to wake you up and comfort you.  Lionel had been a Godsend and you couldn’t thank him enough. 

“That was delicious Lionel, thank you.” You said, linking your hand with his on top of the gear shift.  

“You’re welcome love. I’m glad you liked it.”  He put your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles.  

“So um, I know it's late but if you have work you need to get done I’ll be okay by myself.  As much as I love when you're here I feel bad.  You have to be so far behind because of me.” You said when you pulled into the driveway.

“I’m not worried about work right now, I have plenty of capable people who can get things done without my supervision.”  

“Even Harry?” 

“Yes, even Harry.” He teased.  He took you up to your apartment and helped you change into something more comfortable then sat you down on your bed while he went and got changed.  He had been keeping clothes at your apartment since he stayed with you more often than not now that you were hurt.  He came into your room wearing a black v-neck t-shirt and his light blue and white plaid boxers.  You took one look at him and burst out laughing.  

“Whot?”  He raised an eyebrow, speaking in his old English accent.  

“Look at you.”  You were laughing yourself to tears. 

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”  

“You, Lionel Shabandar Mr always so well dressed, and you’re wearing plaid boxers.  Baby blue and white plaid boxers and a black v-neck.  It just looks so out of place for you.”

“If you wanna see me naked, all you have to do is ask.”  He smirked.  

“Don’t threaten me with a good time.” You sassed back.  

“Behave, you're still hurt.”  He grumbled, leaning down and kissing your head before sitting on the bed beside you taking off his socks.  You grabbed a little blanket from the other side of the bed and threw it over his head, pulling him back so his back was laying across your lap.  

“Y/N.”  He shrieked.  He pulled the blanket off his head and glared at you.  You were whistling and looking in the opposite direction, like you had nothing to do with it. 

“Is there a problem dear?”  

“You’re asking for it.”  He growled.

“Aren’t I always?”  You teased, leaning down and kissing him.  You pulled away and sat back against the pillows. Then you got to watch him crawl up to you laying his elbows on either side of your head.  He made sure to keep his weight off you so he wouldn’t hurt your collarbone.  

“You’re being bad.”  He kissed your ear.

“You like it when I’m bad. You and your plaid boxers.”  You giggle stroking your foot over his clothed hips.

“Okay then little brat, pick a film and I’ll go get you some water to take your pills.”  He got up and went to the bathroom, filling a glass with water and taking your pain pills out of the medicine cabinet.  

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