Severus Snape P.T2

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You have been living at spinner's end ever since graduation. Severus' portrait hung proudly in the living room. Severus knew your routine within the first month, it was always the same. You woke up before the sun, went to the kitchen, made yourself a couple eggs and some toast then sat in the living room in a chair that faced Severus' portrait. You two would sit and talk about what your plans were for the day. During the summer it was normally work in the garden where you grew flowers and some potions ingredients. You had all sorts of nice flowers, roses, daisies and for Severus lilies. He would regularly tell you about potions ingredients you could plant and how to take care of them as well as the best places to find them.

During the school year Severus' portrait was constantly moved around by you. He was like your assistant and he loved it. To him it was much better than sitting in one room all day with nothing to do. During classes you hung him on the left side of the classroom where he would regularly yell at students who were screwing around or weren't paying attention. It always made you look at the blackboard and smile. Knowing that he always had your back made you feel special.

After classes you would move him to your office when you were marking papers or doing other work. He was always present when you were brewing potions in your lab, due to his own request, he wanted to make sure everything was okay and that you didn't get hurt. At night you ate in the great hall because Severus insisted you had some contact with people who weren't him. So you would have dinner and converse with the other professors but after dinner you went back to your room and made dessert and sat and talked with Severus. For some reason eating with him brought you some comfort and not having at least one meal with him a day made you feel bad.

When professor McGonagall took your memories she didn't take the emotions that went with some of them. Little things caused certain emotions and you had no idea why you were feeling the way you did. Not eating a meal a day with Severus made you feel bad. You couldn't remember that you used to eat meals with Severus everyday back before the war. Making potions in your lab with Severus made you feel.. You couldn't even put an emotion behind it. You couldn't remember that you and Severus used to have a lot of fun and have important conversations during your extra potions lessons you used to have with him. There were just a lot of things that brought up emotions with no explanations. Severus remembered it all, all the memories, all the feelings. He always noticed your face change into confusion when a memory should have surfaced along with the emotion you were feeling but didn't because you couldn't remember. Your mind was fighting to make you understand what you were feeling but you couldn't.

It's been years of this. You never married, you barely dated. Things just never seemed to work out. Any relationship you got into just didn't feel right. You remembered talking with Severus one night about adopting a baby. A childhood family friend was about to have a child and couldn't keep them and you always wanted a child.

"Do you think you could be a single mother and a professor? You're only 21, that's a lot of responsibility." Severus asked. Not to be mean, he just wanted you to understand.

"I think I could do it. Besides, I've already talked to Minerva about it and she agreed that she would be willing to help. She said she was willing to look after the baby while I was in class and if there were times that she couldn't watch her I could take the baby to class with me. Honestly I know Minerva always wanted a child but never had the opportunity... I think she just doesn't want that to happen to me. I really, really want to be a mom, Severus." You confessed.

"I know darling. The baby fever in this room has been thick lately." He chuckled, making you laugh. "I know how important it is to you, so if you want to adopt a child you have my full support. You also have a 24 hour babysitter. I may not be able to hold them but I can yell really loud if I need you." This made you laugh way too hard.

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