Colonel Brandon

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You were sitting in a room with your 2 elder sisters and Mr Willoughby, one of your sister Marianne’s suitors.  They were having a conversation about something, you honestly weren’t listening as you were too busy watching Colonel Brandon, Marianne’s other suitor, talk to the stable boy out the window.  You had strong feelings for the Colonel but since he had his eyes on Marianne you thought it pointless to tell him.  You were busy wallowing in your own self pity when a roar of laughter broke your train of thought. You tuned into everyone's conversation to hear what all the fuss was about.  Willoughby was making fun of Christopher for anything and everything he could think of. At first you didn’t mind, it was just some silly fun, but then it continued and it started to make you angry.  

“Okay that's enough.”  You finally spoke up over all their laughter.  

“Oh come on Mrs Y/N.  It’s just a bit of fun.”  Mr Willoughby insisted, still chuckling.  

“It was a bit of fun until you continued.  You’ve had your laugh now that’s enough.  You have no right to be making fun of the Colonel like this.”  You snapped at the pure indecency of him.

“Oh please, the only reason you care is because you fancy the Colonel.”  Marianne spoke, after dying down from her laughter.  

“The Colonel is a good man and making fun of his manners says more about you than it does about him.  My feelings don’t matter but your conduct does, especially when he’s standing outside.  He is a better man than any of you, his manners and courtesy, and the love he shows is something that should be rewarded, not ridiculed. If you want to make fun of him then fine, but you will not do it in my presence.”  You yelled at them.  You felt personally offended that they would do this to Christopher.  

“Okay that’s enough, both of you.”  Elinor, your oldest sister, called out between you and Marianne.  

“Another thing.  If Willoughby is your choice then fine but don’t keep the Colonel waiting any longer.  You’ve strung him on long enough.  Let him go. All you're doing is keeping him from finding his happiness while you find yours at the expense of his.”  You yelled at her, getting up to leave

“You’re right. I’ll tell Christopher when he comes in.”  She called after you, but you were already out the door.  

That hurt because you knew that after Marianne rejected the Colonel he would have no reason to stay.  He had plans to move but decided to stay in an attempt to win your sister's heart. Now that Marianne was going to choose Willoughby you knew the Colonel would go on with his original plans to move away. Meaning there's a chance you’d never see him. You felt your heart split in half at the thought.  You truly loved him and now you would never even have a chance to tell him.  You knew his heart would be in too many pieces after being rejected by Marianne.  You laid down in your bed, crying. You weren’t ready to never see him again, even if he didn’t love you back you enjoyed his company.  

About an hour later you heard a small knock on your door.  It was probably Elinor, you told her all about your feelings for the Colonel.  She knew what he meant to you so she knew how heartbroken you would be to never see him again. 

“Elinor I’m not in the mood to be cheered up right now.”  You called from your bed, not wanting to hear her sad attempt in making you feel better.  

“It’s Christopher Brandon.”  Christopher called back.  You shot straight up in bed.  

“C-come in.”  You said after composing yourself. The door slowly opened and Christopher made his way across your room to your bedside where he sat.  

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