Severus Snape Pt.3

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It's finally here!! Please comment and let me know what you all think! Your comments make me want to write more!


You couldn’t imagine having a more perfect life. After the war you thought you could never be happy again but Sev, and Severus proved you wrong. You had a sweet little boy who had grown to adore you and all the professors you worked with. Not to mention him and Severus were practically inseparable.  You never thought of the effect naming him after Severus would have. Once he was old enough to know his name and answer to it it was always a struggle. You’d call out for Severus and Your son and Severus would answer. Considering you lived with the two of them and only the two of them it was confusing but also very endearing.  So as a result you called your son Sev and Snape Severus.  

Being a mother and a professor was as Severus said a lot to handle but you had help from all the other professors and of course Severus. He was always there whenever you or Sev needed him.  He always knew what to say and how to make you or Sev feel better.  

One night when Sev was about 4 months old he did nothing but cry all night. You couldn’t figure it out, you tried feeding him, burping him, playing with him, rocking him, anything but nothing worked.  After you finally got him to calm down hours later you moved towards Severus painting to move it into Sev’s room where he normally stayed during the night to watch over him but he stopped you.

“I think you need me much more than he does right now.”  He said plainly when he noticed the tears welling up in your eyes. You flopped yourself down in front of him in the armchair.

“I don’t think I’m a good mom Severus, it took me hours to calm him down and I still don’t know what was wrong. Maybe you were right, maybe this was too much.”  

“Y/N, look at me.”  He commanded. “You are an amazing mother. Nothing will change that, yes today was rough but you are going to have days like that. Just remember he’s a baby, just because he’s upset doesn’t mean it’s you. You love that boy and you are the best mother he could ever have.”  

“I just want what’s best for him.” You sobbed.  

“I know darling, that’s what makes you a good mother. I know you are doubting yourself but I promise you are the best thing for that little boy. Don’t get discouraged, it will get better and easier with time just like everything else in life.”  He encouraged.

That was the hardest night you could remember, after that things started getting easier.  You loved watching Sev learn to crawl, talk and walk.  He was constantly crawling and walking over to Severus’ portrait to babble at him.  However your favorite memory was the day Sev called Severus daddy.  It made you sad and melted your heart at the same time.  Severus did act in a lot of ways like his father but you and Severus weren’t together nor did you have feelings for each other, you were just best friends. 

“Daddy!”  Sev yelled one night running into the living room, falling, then getting up again and running to Severus’ portrait. You stopped dead in your tracks, you had no idea how Severus would react to that. You wanted a child yes and Severus was very encouraging about it but that didn’t mean he wanted to be thought of as the child's father. You held your breath and waited to see if he would scold you, thinking you filled the child's head with this idea or if would welcome the affection. 

“What is it buddy?”  Severus asked, smiling down at the child. Your heart melted and Severus looked up at you with a smile. To you it was just a sweet thing, him basically agreeing to be your son's father figure, but to Severus it meant everything. This was the life he imagined with you. A couple kids running around yelling for mommy and daddy. He wanted to have children with you and this was the closest he would ever get to that, so even if he had to do so from behind a frame he would relish every moment of it. 

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