Judge Turpin 🍋

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Today was you and William's anniversary, you had been married for a year now.  William had the entire day planned out. He woke you up a little earlier than usual.  He was laying with his chest against your back spooning you. He started to lay gentle kisses between your shoulder blades and against your neck.  You began to stir. 

"Mmm, Will."  You mumbled, reaching your hand behind you, holding the back of his hair.  You placed a kiss on his forehead. 

"Good Morning my darling."  William whispered against your neck. 

"Good Morning, love. Happy anniversary."  You turned around to face him. 

Instead of getting straight up and getting ready for the day like you normally do you laid in bed together for a while.  You laid with your head against his chest tracing small circles against his naked chest with your finger nails.  After lots of cuddling and lazy kisses to naked skin breakfast was brought to your room by the maid.  You ate breakfast in bed then got ready for the day.  William had a carriage take you both out of the city.  There was a small park where he took you for a nice long walk.  You walked by the river and laid in the grass which is something he would never do if it wasn't your anniversary.  As you were walking back to the carriage you passed a small family.  A mother, father and their two children.  You looked at the family and smiled.

"William my love, can we start trying again?"  You asked teary eyed. 

William followed your line of sight to the small family.  Flashbacks played back in his mind.  You had gotten pregnant right after your wedding and sadly you lost the baby only a few months into your pregnancy. William was distraught when you found out.  For a long time William had avoided the conversation, he wanted a child badly but he was terrified that you would lose it again.  He never blamed you for the miscarrige it was very common.  However it still hurt him and he didn't want to feel that heartbreak again.

"My darling, you know I would love to have a child.  I just.  I'm worried."  He confesses, his eyes never left the small family playing in the grass.  You took his chin between your two fingers and turned him to face you.

"I know you're worried we'll lose the baby again.  I'm worried too, but I think we'll be okay.  You will be a great father William.  Please, I really want to be a mother.  I want a baby, your baby.  Please let's try one more time, if something happens I'll give it up and we won't have to try again.  Please give me one more chance, I won't mess up this time."  You sniffled.  He frowned sadly at you.  He reached out and grabbed both your hands. 

"My sweet, what happened to our baby was not your fault.  I'm sorry that you still feel that way but you have to realize that you did nothing wrong. I promise you it wasn't your fault."  After he wiped your tears away and kissed your forehead and said.  "If you promise me that you will stop blaming yourself for the loss of our baby then we can start trying again.  Can you promise me that?" 

"I promise William. I promise, please just give me a baby."  You begged which made him smile.

"Don't worry, we'll start trying, I promise." He replied, kissing your head. You walked back to the carriage and he helped you in.  

After your walk he took you to the opera where you saw McBeth.  You loved the show, you had been telling William that you wanted to see it.  Afterwards you went out to a fancy restaurant where you had dinner and a dessert to share.  You went home after.  Willam came right up behind you helping you out of your corset. 

"I think it's time I fulfilled my promise to you."  He purred in your ear.  He placed kisses from your shoulder up your neck, quickly finding your sweet spot.  He started sucking lightly on your neck until there was a deep purple mark. 

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