New Story idea.. thoughts?

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This is an idea I had for a Hans Gruber story. You are Y/N McClane, John's younger sister. About a year ago you went to Germany for a work training where u met Hans Gruber. You fell for him and he fell for you but since you were only going to be there for a month nothing came of it. You tried to keep in touch but only called each other once a month and on holidays. The day of the Nakatomi heist you were at the party with Holly waiting for your brother John since you also hadn't seen him in a while when all hell broke lose. When Hans recognizes you and pulls you into the office you have an impossible decision to make. Do you side with family or the man you love?

This is just an idea because Hans is probably my favorite character Alan played and I really wanna write a story for him. So my question is, is this something you all would read?

Please leave comments, ideas or just a yes or no to let me know your thoughts.

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