You're Sick PT.2

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Remember You wanted a part 2. That's all I'm saying.

“What do you mean you're pregnant?”  Alan was finally able to form a sentence.  

“I mean just that Alan, I’m pregnant.”  You rested your head on the wall behind you.  

“How could you get pregnant, now of all times?”  He didn’t mean to sound so insensitive.  

“What do you mean, we both know how it happened.”  You said in disbelief. 

“Yes of course I know how but now?” 

“Well I’m sorry if this isn’t ideal for you either but last time I checked I wasn’t prepared for you to have cancer either!”  You yelled.  He let out a deep breath. 

“What do we do?”  He asked quietly.  

“I don’t know, I don’t even know how I feel about bringing a child into this situation.”

“What the hell are you talking about?  You're not suggesting what I think you are?”  Alan scoffed.  

“What do you expect me to do if you don’t survive?  I can’t do this on my own.”  You argued.

“If I don’t survive you will have a part of me with you at all times! We have been trying for years to have a child and now you just want to get rid of it?” Alan yelled.

“How am I supposed to look at them after you're gone?! Knowing you’ll never see them. And if they look like you the only thing having them around will do is remind me that you're gone!”

“If you think of it like that, of course you're not going to want them!”  

“How am I supposed to take care of them?” 

“You will have all this, all my money. Over a million dollars to use to take care of our child, get them through school, college.”

“I don’t mean money Alan, I mean help! My parents are gone, your parents are gone, your siblings and mine don’t live right around the corner!” 

“You are not getting an abortion and that’s FINAL!”  He screamed.  

“I’m scared!” You yelled back as you broke down in tears.  His anger melted away, he knew you’d never do it, you were just scared. Of course you were, this whole situation was scary. He was possibly at the end of his life and you were about to bring his child into the world. 

He pulled you against his chest and held you there, hushing you silently.

“Sh, it's okay. I know this is scary.  I’m sorry for yelling.  My darling, you are going to be an amazing mother, whether I’m here to see it or not.  I want you to have this baby, for me.  This is the thing you’ve always wanted, let me give it to you.  I know there's a chance I won't get to see them, and even if that is the case I want you to have this little piece of me. To have, to hold, to love.”  He cooed, placing his large hand on your stomach. 

“The point was for us to be a family.”  You sobbed into his shoulder.

“I know, I know. The doctor said there’s a good chance that I make it through this and with our little one on the way it just gives me more of a reason to fight.  I know this isn’t how we imagined it, but I am so happy for us.  We're going to be parents, my love.”  He continued to hold you for a few minutes until you calmed down.  

You didn’t make dinner that night, neither of you were hungry, you just wanted to snuggle up in your bed. You didn’t bother putting on the T.v, you just wanted to enjoy eachothers company.  Alan was stroking your stomach as he laid on his side, facing you.  You ran your hand through his silver hair enjoying his closeness.  He had called the director of the film he was working on and told him that due to illness he would not be returning to set.  Now you and him could spend every second together.  You had scheduled an appointment with your doctor tomorrow so you could see the baby.  

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